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  1. 此种习俗,盛行于贵州地区的端午习俗有些人也会去游泳。

    This custom is prevalent in part of Guizhou province on Dragon-Boat festival custom . Some people will go to swim as well .

  2. 一些如新加坡、马来西亚等东亚国家也早已拥有过端午的习俗。

    The Festival has long been celebrated in Singapore , Malaysia and many other Southeast Asian countries .

  3. 端午节的习俗和传统能够追溯到2000多年以前。

    which includes many traditions and customs that date back more than two thousand years ago .

  4. 端午节的习俗在诗人屈原的家乡湖北省的秭归县更为详细。

    The customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in the hometown of the poet Qu Yuan in Zigui County , Hubei Province are more detailed .

  5. 赛龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。

    The main dragon boat racing , is the Dragon Boat Festival custom .

  6. 描述的当时人们欢度端午佳节的种种习俗。

    All sorts of customs that people celebrated festival of the Dragon Boat Festival at that time described .