
  • 网络PORT;Port Address
  1. I/O端口地址译码技术

    The Techniques of I / O Port Decoding

  2. name是指向具有外来IP/端口地址对的缓冲区的指针。

    Name is the pointer to the buffer that has the foreign IP / port address pair .

  3. 应用程序动态创建一个客户机(在应用程序执行期间完成),并使用Web服务定义中提供的端点信息(具体的端口地址)。

    The application creates a client on the fly ( this is done during application execution ) and uses the endpoint information ( concrete port address ) that is supplied in the web service definition .

  4. 对于不同厂家PLC的通信协议、端口地址、内存单元等信息,采用统一的XML格式文件书写。

    Since PLC manufacturers use different communication protocols , port addresses , memory modules and other information change with different manufacturers , a uniformed XML format is applied in our system for simplicity .

  5. 如果客户机发布了一个支持单向操作的通知侦听器服务,它的WSDL将包含该服务的端口地址。

    If the client has a published a notification listener service supporting a one-way operation , its WSDL will contain the port address for the service .

  6. 关于并行接口芯片8255A的端口地址问题

    About the Port Address of the Parallel Interface Chip 8255A

  7. 最重要的一点是,网络配置已完成并且已经进行了测试,其中包括能够执行从AIX节点到iSCSIIP端口地址的Ping测试。

    Most importantly , the network configuration is complete and tested , including the ability to perform a ping test from the AIX node to the iSCSI IP port address .

  8. 本文介绍了一种利用Office97宏和VBA方法读取硬件端口地址,进行数据采集和显示的技术,扩充了一般办公软件的功能。

    This paper mainly recommends a kind of data samples and display technique , using Office 97 macro and VBA to read hardware port address . this technique expanded common handle official bussiness work .

  9. 一个z/OS的代理或运行在目标z/OS系统的启动任务,是通过TCP/IP和一个端口地址与ClearCase存储库进行通讯的。

    A z / OS agent or Started task runs on the target z / OS system , and it communicates with the ClearCase repository via TCP / IP and a port address .

  10. 本文讨论了ISA总线、IO端口地址和存储器空间分配,详细介绍了在ISA总线基础上设计用户接口板的方法,同时给出了两个具体的例子。

    ISA bus , I / O port address and memory space allocation are discussed in this paper . The method of interface board designed for user based on ISA bus is introduced in detail , and two examples are given .

  11. 更新发送端口地址时出错。

    An error occurred while updating the send port address .

  12. 一种扩展PC机I/O端口地址的方法

    How to Extend the I / O Port Address of a PC

  13. 验证用户名、密码和端口地址是否正确,并重试。

    Verify that the user name , password , and port address are correct , and try again .

  14. 每个应用程序容器的引导程序端口地址是每个集群成员框右下角的数字。

    The bootstrap port address for each application container is the number at the lower right-hand corner of each cluster member box .

  15. 在分析D/A转换器工作原理、I/O端口地址译码电路设计、计算机I/O插槽的基础上,总结D/A转换器的选择原则以及D/A转换卡的设计步骤,设计出D/A转换卡的硬件电路图。

    The main research in this paper is as follows : Firstly , the operating principle and the selection principle of D / A converter are analyzed . The address decoding circuitry of I / O port and the circuit diagram of D / A transfer card are designed .

  16. 通过静态的ARP地址表的绑定和交换机端口MAC地址绑定相结合,可以解决IP地址盗用的问题。

    By means of the static form of ARP address bound to exchange port MAC address in order to solve the problem .

  17. 本文从盗用IP地址的常用方法入手,给出了相应的防范措施,并提出交换机端口-MAC地址绑定和端口定位相结合机制。

    In the paper the corresponding preventive measures are given according to method of IP address embezzlement , and combine mechanism of address binding and the end fixes location for the exchange board was suggested .

  18. 通过获取交换机上与生成树相关MIB变量的值来找出交换机之间的连接关系,利用交换机端口的地址转发表信息所对应MIB变量值得出终端设备与交换机之间的连接关系;

    We conclude the connection among switches by getting the value of MIB variables , which are relative to Spanning Tree . And we can use the Address Forwarding Table information of the switch ports to find the connection among terminal devices and switches .

  19. 另外,每个端口的地址均未定义。

    Also notice that the address for each of the ports is not defined .

  20. 您可以在您的专用网络上将传入的会话映射到特定的端口和地址。

    You can map incoming sessions to specific ports and addresses on your private network .

  21. 把高5位改为任何其他码,即可产生其他端口的地址。

    By changing the upper five bits to any other code , other port addresses may be generated .

  22. 本文介绍了局城网交换机中端口-地址表的结构和交换的原理,讨论了广播风暴产生的原因和端口-地址表刷新的机制,并与路由技术作了简单的比较。

    This article discusses on the principle of the structure and exchange of exchanger 's Port-Address List in LAN , the causes of broadcast storms and the refresh mechanism of Port-Address List , and makes a brief comparison between the mechanism and Route technology .

  23. 检查端口和IP地址是否正确,应用程序服务器是否正在运行。

    Check that both port and IP address are correct , and that the application server is running .

  24. 使用LDAP服务器的缺省端口和IP地址调用ldapinit。

    Call ldap_init using the default port and the IP address of the LDAP server .

  25. 是iSCSI端口的IP地址。

    1 is the iSCSI port IP address .

  26. 事实上,如果查看WSDL文件,会发现未定义端口的位置地址。

    In fact , if you look at your WSDL file , the location addresses for the ports are undefined .

  27. 其次,在网络中NPV交换机也不负责分配网络接入节点的N端口的网络地址(FCID)。

    Secondly , the NPV switches are not responsible for the distribution of the network address ( FC_ID ) for the access nodes .

  28. 每个netserver实例监听一个专用端口和IP地址;每个以太网适配器的IP地址属于单独的子网以确保专用的通信流。

    Each instance of netserver listened on a dedicated port and IP address ; each Ethernet adapter 's IP address was on a separate subnet to ensure dedicated traffic .

  29. NAND型闪速存储器采用串行结构,I/O端口既作为地址和命令的输入口,又作为数据的输入/输出口,与微控制器的接口简单。

    The NAND flash memory is a serial-type device , which utilizes the I / O pins for both address and data input / output as well as for command inputs , eases interfacing to microcontrollers .

  30. 可得到的信息为:源地址,源端口,目的地址,目的端口

    The information available is the source address , the source port , the destination address , and the destination port