
  • 网络End Office;VMSC
  1. 介绍了彩铃业务实现的3种技术方案,并有针对性地介绍了ALCATEL端局+智能网的混合组网方案涉及到的关键技术点。

    The article explains three technical plans for individualized ring back tone service , and introduces the key technical points of mixed network ( ALCATEL end office + intelligent network ) .

  2. 同时,网络中开始出现大容量的端局。

    At the same time , end office with large capacity began to emerge .

  3. 嵌入网的SSP是设在端局,其业务流量比较大。

    The SSPs of embed Intelligent network ( EIN ) are placed in local telecom office with tremendous service flow .

  4. 传统核心网中一个MSC对应若干BSC的结构已经不能解决各端局负荷分配不均以及MSC故障等方面的问题。

    The traditional network structure of one MSC with several BSCs can not solve some problems , such as the load share among exchanges and MSC malfunction .

  5. 本次IP承载网主要承载内容包括软交换端局的接入和软交换长途汇接局的话音和信令,移动分组网和移动分组业务的IP(包括3G),公众VPN业务和企业内部业务。

    The IP bearer network includes the main load side soft-switching exchange bureau access and long-distance tandem Bureau soft voice and signaling , mobile sub-network and mobile packet service IP ( including 3G ), the public VPN service and internal operations .

  6. 目前中国联通网上端局MSC机型众多,各厂家设备业务的提供速度参差不齐,一定程度上限制了联通公司新功能、新业务的推出。

    At present , China Unicom has many MSC models , the equipment manufacturers business provides speed mixed , to some extent , limit the Unicom new features , new services are launched .

  7. 基于联建端局的电话收费管理系统

    A Charge Management System for Telephone Based on United Telephone Exchange

  8. 砖砌体梁端局压应力分布

    Stress Distribution of Local Bearing in Masonry under Beam End

  9. 端局综合机房维护实践

    Maintenance Practice of Comprehensive Machine Lab in Office of End

  10. 端局程控交换机的系统结构与软件设计

    The Architecture and Software Design of a Terminal SPC Exchange

  11. 工业一般指令端局远程监测系统的开发

    Development of Remote Monitoring System for Industrial Common Paging Station

  12. 端局网络基本方案后,提出核心网建设总方案。

    Bureau of the basic network plan , propose core network construction total solution .

  13. 农话端局接地系统探讨

    Discussion on Grounded System in Rural Bureau

  14. 农话端局接地网的不规范,降低了农话通信的可靠性。

    The non-standardization of the grounded networks in rural telecom bureaus reduces the reliability of rural communications .

  15. 对它区汇接局及其它端局间设置高效或低呼损直达电路或不设电路。

    The direct circuit with efficient and low call losing is setup or not for other tandom office and end offices .

  16. 其次分析比较端局设备数据采集各种组网方案采集方式的特点,根据实际情况选择本项目的组网方案;

    Second I have analysed and compared in detail feature of various collection method and designed the method be system required ;

  17. 为适应农村自动网发展的需要,我们开发了一种小容量端局程控交换机。

    We develop a small capacity terminal SPC exchange which can be applied to the auto - matic switching networks in rural areas .

  18. 端局之间不完全的网状网连接以及部分端、汇局合一的现象造成网络层次不清,路由复杂,使得维护管理较为困难。

    Not full mesh connection , part of the client . Unclear network hierarchy and routing complexity between the end offices are making maintenance management more difficult .

  19. 提出端局网络建设基本方案,并给出端局网络组网拓扑图,此阶段关键技术在于把软交换置于端局位置。

    The network construction bureau put forward the basic program , and gives the network topology network bureau , this stage key technology is placed in the soft exchange bureau of the position .

  20. 根据试验和分析研究提出了考虑墙体内拱卸荷怍用的梁端局压强度计算方法。

    Based on the experiments and analysis , we suggest a calculating method of local bearing strength of beam end masonry when the unloading action of masonry arch inside the wall is considered .

  21. 不同区间汇接局不需设直达中继,同时端局间按技术经济合理的原则设置高效或低呼损直达路由。

    The direct trunk have no use for convergence office those located at difference region , but the direct route with low call losing and efficient is setup for end office by reasonable principle between technology and economy .

  22. 通过理论分析和试验实测得出梁端局任应力分布及其合力作用点的位置,由此可以确定由梁端传给墙体荷载的偏心距。

    Through theoretical analysis and experimental measurements , the distribution of local bearing stress in brick masonry under beam support and the position of its resultant have been determined and the load eccentricity can also be determined therefrom .

  23. 江门移动从2009年4月开始,根据本方案对本地端局进行改造,到09年6月完成了全部改造,改造涉及6个端局、200多万用户。

    From the beginning of April 2009 , Jiangmen mobile transformed the local MSC according to the program , completed all the transformation in June 2009 , the transformation involved in six MSC , more than 200 million users .

  24. 信阳移动15期软交换端局扩容后,业务支撑能力将大为增强,承受住了2011年春节高话务量的冲击,网络运行安全平稳。

    The soft exchange xinyang mobile 15 period , the business expansion after the bureau will support ability to withstand the greatly . meantime , Spring Festival in 2011 , the impact of high traffic network operation safe and smooth .

  25. 梁端砌体局压N0,Ψ取值的探讨

    Probing to the Value of N_0 and Ψ About Beam-ends Masonry 's Local Compressio

  26. 例如,XDSL技术需要在电话线的用户端和电话局端安装像modem那样新型装置。

    For example , XDSL technology requires new modem-like devices on both the user and the phone company end of the line .