
jiē xiàn shēnɡ
  • switchboard operator
  1. 我是饭店的接线生。

    I 'm a switchboard operator for the hotel .

  2. 我上班的时候也要当总机接线生的。

    On my job I had to work as a switchboard operator .

  3. 白宫接线生,说是nora。

    It 's the White House operator . it 's nora .

  4. 是,接线生,我要打到纽约。

    Yes , operator . I 'm trying to call New-York .

  5. 她按下留言键,接通了酒店的接线生。

    She hit the message button and got the hotel operator .

  6. 接线生会帮我接通到加拿大的电话。

    The telephone operator was able to put me through to Canada .

  7. 接线生:先生,那是我们的营业时间。

    Operator : " sir , they are our opening hours " .

  8. 所有的船上都有一个无线电接线生负责收发讯息。

    On all these vessels there is a radio officer handling messages .

  9. 大多数的电话接线生已被自动电话取代。

    Most telephone operators have been replaced by dial telephones .

  10. 接线生,你又把我的电话接错了人!

    Operator , you 've connected me to the wrong person again !

  11. 呃这边接线生不是很好。

    Uh * We don 't have the best switchboard people here .

  12. 我成了五个女人的接线生。

    I thus become the operator for five women .

  13. 接线生,我要打一通国际电话到伦敦。

    Operator , I would like to place an international call to London .

  14. 接线生告诉我挂断电话再拨同一号码。

    The operator told me to & and dial the same number again .

  15. 请让我用中文跟台湾的接线生讲话。

    I 'd like to talk to the Taiwanese operator in chinese , please .

  16. 接线生:你看到火焰吗?

    VOICEOVER : Can you see any flames ?

  17. 接线生,我要打一通对方付款的越洋电话到台湾。

    Operator , I want to make a collect overseas phone call to taiwan .

  18. 接线生:第一个三分钟是两块四毛,请投币。

    Operator : Please deposit two dollars and forty cents for the first three minutes .

  19. 例如,诸如您是否可以为这些接线生安排电话接听技巧课程?

    For example , a request like Can you send the telephone operator for a telephone techniques course ?

  20. 电话服务:请参看本册内之“电话指南”或拨打内线9向接线生垂询。

    Telephone Service : Please refer to Telephone Directory in your room or contact with the Operator . ( Ext.9 )

  21. 尽管两人不到十秒钟之前才讲过话,但接线生丝毫没有表现出任何意识到这一问题的迹象。

    The operator showed not the slightest glimmer of recognition that they had been speaking less than ten seconds ago .

  22. (接线生)治酒店。请问有什么贵干?我该打几号能找到接线生呢?

    H : ( Operator ) George 's Hotel . Can be of any assistance ? What number should I dial to get the operator ?

  23. 例外:如果员工既做接线生同时也做预定员,因已问候过来电者,则此条不适用。

    Exceptions : Will not apply if the staff member who answered the main telephone line also takes the booking and has already greeted the caller .

  24. 假如你要对方付钱,首先拨个「0」,告诉接线生,你要打由对方付钱的长途电话,同时告诉他地区号码和电话号码。

    If you call collect , first you need to dial " 0 ", and tell the operator you want to make a collect call , and give her ( him ) your area code and phone number .