
jiē hé miàn
  • Joint surface;composition face/plane
  1. 钢板接合面间隙对摩擦型高强度螺栓的影响

    Effects of interface gap between steel sheets on high-strength friction bolts

  2. 箱体接合面及轴承透盖处的密封

    Seals on the Joint of Reducer Box and of Bearing Lid

  3. 铜网垫片在汽轮机汽缸接合面上的应用实践

    Using copper mesh gaskets to fill gaps of steam turbine cylinder joins

  4. 基于模态理论的机床滚珠导轨滑块接合面特性参数识别

    Contact Character Parameters Identification of Machine Rolling Guide Based on Mode Theory

  5. 机组再对中完工后,检查发电机轴承接合面良好。

    Check the joining surfaces of the generator bearing after finishing the unit alignment .

  6. 整个步态过程中应力的集中区域为髋臼后上四分之一处。本文还对假体头颈接触模型进行了分析,以评价接合面处的微动磨损情况。

    Head-neck contact model was also analyzed in order to evaluate the fretting wear performance of the interface of components .

  7. 同时对泥浆泵过流部件的制造工艺、封接合面材料的选取作了详细说明。

    The machining craft of the main pump components and the method to select mating material are stated in detail as well .

  8. 冲切破坏并没有在新老混凝土接合面处破坏,其中大部分是在新混凝土处破坏。

    Punching destruction is not in the new old concrete adjoining place , and the majority is in the new concrete place .

  9. 尤其是旋转接合面大小必须减低到最低限度做较高压力的旋转接合。

    Especially the area of contact face of rotation has to be minimized to the minimum to allow rotation connection under high pressure .

  10. 以工业机器人为典型系统进行了实验模态分析,识别了接合面物理参数。

    Through the experimental . model analysis of industrial robot & a typical multibody system , the physical parameters of the joints were identified .

  11. 在检查维护重新安装时,应保证阀内各接合面严密配合,阀盘升降灵活。

    When inspection , maintenance , re-installation , should guarantee each jointing surface in the valve closely cooperate , descending and ascending of the discs are flexible .

  12. 在此基础上,根据双层衬砌接合面结构处理方式的不同,提出了双层衬砌相互作用的三种模型;

    Based on the above results , three joint interaction models are proposed according to the different structural forms of joint between the primary and the secondary linings .

  13. 指出为保证该联接安全可靠,必须满足轴承座底面与游梁接合面间不滑移、螺栓不拉断、接合面不压溃及轴承座不翻转等条件。

    To ensure the security of this joint , interracial sliding of the joint , tensile failure of the bolts and extruding failure of the interfaces must be prevented .

  14. 于此实验中,影响电性的主因除了接合面缺陷型态之外还有与接合角度相关的介面非晶系层的品质,这些影响因素与影响同相和反相接合电性的因素有所不同。

    It has different affective factors on electrical property between in-phase and anti-phase , such as the bonding interface defects and the quality of non-oxide amorphous layer at interface .

  15. 并车箱左、中、右箱体的接合面均渗润滑油,将法兰加工面粗糙度由125μm改为63μm,接合面上涂抹密封胶,消除了接合面渗漏现象;

    The surface roughness of the flange is determined as 6.3 μ m instead of the previous 12.5 μ m , and the seal gum is laid on the connecting surface to eliminate leakage ;

  16. 根据内力计算结果,叠合结构表现出了更好的整体受力的特点,对内力分布和量值影响较大的结构构造参数则是接合面剪切强度和内衬厚度。

    According to the calculated results of internal forces , compound structure performance better on global stress ; the shear strength and the thickness of secondary lining have obvious influence on the values and distribution of internal forces .

  17. 研究表明:离子注入合金层的增强扩散效应能够促进焊接接合面两侧原子的相互扩散,细化接头中间层的晶粒,提高低温扩散焊接接头的强度。

    The results show that increasing diffusion effect of ion implantation layer can promote the atom diffusion between two sides of welding boundry , refine grains of interlayer and hence raise the bonding strength when welded at Iower temperature .

  18. 结果表明:在多冲载荷作用下,应力波在涂层和基体的冶金接合面发生反射,形成拉伸波造成涂层的纵裂和角裂;

    The result shows that under the effect of repeated impact load , the stress wave produces reflection in the metallurgical junction plane between coating and basal body , and forms stretch wave causing longitudinal split and angle split of coat ;

  19. 根据边界局部坐标与整体坐标间的关系,推导出适用于处理干涉配合中接合面上的联接条件的二维弹性问题的边界积分方程;

    By means of the relation between the local coordinates on boundary and the absolute coordinates , the boundary integral equation for the stress analysis of two-dimensional elastic problems which is suited for handling the connecting conditions of interface in the interference-fit is derived .

  20. 民用建筑中的地漏设置问题介绍了在旧混凝土一新混凝土一塑料地漏的接合面和塑料地漏附近的楼板面涂敷环氧胶粘剂的方法来防止某旧住宅楼阳台新修塑料地漏时出现渗漏。

    This paper introduces a method that epoxy adhesion aged is palmed on interface of old-concrete to new-concrete-plastic floor drain , and surface of floor nearby plastic floor drain prevents leakage from arising when some new plastic floor drains are built in the balconies of some old house .

  21. 均匀涂层与风口基体之间具有明显的应力接合界面,而梯度涂层风口接合面处的应力变化较小,能够改善涂层与基体的接合强度,进而提高了风口的使用寿命。

    There have a obvious stress joint interface between uniform coating and tuyere matrix , but the stress variety is less in joint interface of gradient coating tuyere , which can improve strength between coating and matrix , furthermore , improve service life of tuyere .