
jiē bān rén
  • successor
接班人 [jiē bān rén]
  • [successor] 比喻接替前辈继承发展事业的人

  • 培养和造就革命事业的接班人

接班人[jiē bān rén]
  1. 福特汽车公司去年任命菲尔兹(MarkFields)担任公司的首席营运长,这使他有可能成为穆拉利的接班人。

    Last year , the company named Mark Fields as chief operating officer , making him the likely successor .

  2. 那么巴茨是怎么看待她的接班人TimMorse的呢?

    What does Bartz think of her successor , Tim Morse ?

  3. 第五条教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务,必须与生产劳动相结合,培养德、智、体等方面全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。

    Article 5 Education must serve the socialist modernization drive and must be combined with production and physical labour in order to train for the socialist cause builders and successors who are developed in an all-round way-morally , intellectually and physically .

  4. 希望广大教师牢记为党育人、为国育才使命,积极探索新时代教育教学方法,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人作出新的更大贡献。

    He expressed his hope that teachers will bear in mind their mission of cultivating talent for the Party and the State , develop teaching methods for the new era , and make more contributions to nurturing socialist builders and successors with an all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic grounding , in addition to a hard-working spirit .

  5. 其次,IMF没必要为选择接班人一事大动干戈。

    Secondly , the IMF does not need to rock the boat too much .

  6. 微软公司(Microsoft)首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默快要离职了,不过董事会却迄今还没找到接班人。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) CEO Steve Ballmer will be stepping down , and the board does not have a replacement .

  7. 在这些成员中,尤其是Gore,对接班人计划知之甚少。

    All of them , Gore especially , know a little something on the subject of succession planning .

  8. 在董事会寻找永久接班人期间,Twitter的联合创始人、董事长杰克·多尔西(JackDorsey)将担任临时首席执行官。

    Jack Dorsey , the company 's co-founder and chairman , will serve as interim chief executive while the board searches for a permanent successor .

  9. 全球第一大矿产企业必和必拓的董事会同样也已开始寻找首席执行官高瑞思(mariuskloppers)的接班人。

    The board of BHP Billiton , the largest miner , has also started looking for a successor for chief executive Marius Kloppers .

  10. 有很多报道称,他的幼子金正云(kimjong-woon)正被培养为接班人,但朝鲜政权迄今未向外界公布这一安排。

    His youngest son , Kim Jong-woon , has widely been reported as being groomed as heir but the regime has made no announcement to the outside world .

  11. Coutts和汇丰把注意力放在了下一代的具体年龄组上。JP摩根私人银行(JPMorganPrivateBank)则不同。该行持续家族企业课程的目标人群是它认为日后将担任家族接班人的人。

    Unlike Coutts and HSBC , which focus on a specific age group within the next generation , JPMorgan Private Bank 's sustaining family enterprise course targets people it has identified as the future leaders of their families .

  12. 新闻集团的接班人问题是一个长期上演的企业肥皂剧,而在过去几年内詹姆斯似乎稍稍领先于姐姐伊丽莎白(Elisabeth)和哥哥拉克兰(Lachlan)。

    Potential succession at News Corp is a long-running corporate soap opera , with James appearing to edge ahead of his sister Elisabeth and older brother Lachlan in the past few years .

  13. 2011年埃文斯返回纽约时,被视为高盛首席执行官劳埃德贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)的可能接班人,当时这家公司仍处于金融危机的影响中。

    When he returned to New York in 2011 , Mr Evans was seen as a possible successor to Lloyd Blankfein , Goldman 's chief executive , when the company was still reeling from the financial crisis .

  14. 这是一个大胆的举动,而它的后果包括:一、BuzzFeed首席运营官乔恩o斯坦伯格于上周在尚未找到合适接班人的情况下就已经离职。

    It was a bold move that has implications . For one , last week BuzzFeed 's COO , Jon Steinberg , left the company with no successor in place .

  15. 韦德宁表示,奥巴马的班子相信,作出上述判断时机不成熟。他表示,美方把朝鲜的好战言论,放在朝鲜准备为金正日(KimJong-il)安排接班人的大背景中看待。朝鲜领导人金正日去年曾经中风。

    Mr Wilder said the Obama team believed it was premature to make that judgment , saying it saw the bellicosity in the context of preparations for the eventual succession of Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader who suffered a stroke last year .

  16. 是的,她并没有获得艾美奖的提名,但是在上周的动漫大会上,《黑色孤儿》的女明星TatianaMaslany早已被视为Merly的接班人。

    No , she didn 't get an Emmy nomination . But at last weekend 's Comic-Con , Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany has been treated like the second coming of Meryl .

  17. 对于将在纽约世贸中心遗址建造的一栋摩天办公楼,世界最大传媒帝国接班人詹姆斯•默多克(JamesMurdoch)刚刚否决了英国建筑大师福斯特勋爵(LordFoster)的设计,转而采用40岁的丹麦建筑师比亚克•英厄尔斯(BjarkeIngels)的前卫创意。

    For an office skyscraper at the World Trade Center site in New York , James Murdoch , scion of the media dynasty , has just replaced a design by Britain 's venerable Lord Foster with a jazzier idea by Bjarke Ingels , the 40-year-old Danish architect .

  18. 托马斯今年63岁,目前尚无明显的接班人。

    Mr Thomas is 63 and there is no obvious successor .

  19. 朝鲜领导人在更加奉行边缘政策的状态中选择了接班人。

    North Korean Leader Chooses Successor Amid Signs of More Brinkmanship .

  20. 乐团已开始物色他的接班人。

    The orchestra has started the search for his successor .

  21. 没有经济,没有接班人&也没有和平。

    No economy , no successor – and no peace .

  22. 认真抓好大学生党建工作培养合格接班人

    Grasping Party Building among College Students and Cultivating Competent Successors

  23. 我被挑选作为接班人是因为我的个人意愿。

    I was chosen as the successor because of my personal motivation .

  24. 但我会开始寻找你的接班人。

    But I will start the search for your replacement .

  25. 第五,家族企业接班人选择问题。

    Fifthly , how to choose successor for family firms .

  26. 我确信他是个可靠的接班人。

    I am sure that he is a reliable successor .

  27. 要注意下一代接班人的培养。

    They must pay attention to training successors of the next generation .

  28. 我已经解脱了,不用再负责挑选接班人了。

    I 've been relieved of the responsibility of choosing a successor .

  29. 她在1982年还是二十几岁的时候即成为他的接班人。

    She became his successor in 1982 , still in her twenties .

  30. 维克托对军情5局的最大贡献是选定接班人。

    Victor 's finest achievement for MI5 was securing succession .