
  • 网络Grounding body;earth electrode;earthing electrode;earthing body
  1. 本文从高层建筑物的防雷要求、钢筋砼基础接地体的应用及如何处理好跨步电压三大方面论述了搞好高层建筑物防雷接地设计的重要性。

    This paper discusses high building preventing thunder earthing design and its importance from the requirement of high building preventing thunder , reinforcing steel bar concrete base earthing body and step voltage disposing .

  2. 铜接地体技术在GIS变电站工程中的探索与实践

    Within the layer the copper ? Research and Practice of Copper-made Grounding Device Technique in GIS Substation Project

  3. 冲击泄流时接地体附近跨步电压的FDTD分析

    FDTD Analysis of the Step-voltages near a Grounding Electrode under Impulse Current Discharge

  4. 试验结果表明,土壤厚度在5m~10m变化时,垂直接地体的长度至少在30m以上,才能确保接地系统的安全。

    Result of experiments shows that at soil depth of 5m ~ 10m , the vertical grounding electrode shall be at least 30 m long for the sake of grounding grid safety .

  5. 水平和垂直接地体埋深宜增至0.8m,且最好使用高效膨润土防腐降阻剂,以降低接地电阻和提高防腐蚀性能。

    The buried depth of both horizontal and vertical grounding bodies should be added by 0.8 m with corrosive-resistant agent in order to reduce the ground resistance and increase the anti-corrosion property .

  6. 介绍综合楼安装工程的施工顺序安排,接地体施工,以及消除GRC板上电器预埋敷设线、盒质量通病和成品保护等方面的作法。

    This article describes such parts of installation work of the complex building as construction order , construction of grounding parts , methods of eliminating normal quality defects of embedded string and boxed for electric equipments on GRC boards and protecting finished products .

  7. 高山无线通信基站联合接地体的设计

    Design of Integrated Grounded Bodies of Alpine Wireless Telecommunication Base Station

  8. 建筑物自然接地体设计常见问题与防雷设计

    Lightning Protection Design and Frequent Questions in Natural Grounding of Building

  9. 长垂直接地体有效接地长度的研究

    Research on Efficient Grounding Length of Long Vertical Grounding Rode

  10. 单位长度伸长接地体冲击特性的真型试验

    Impulse Experiment for Real Extended Grounding Electrode in Unit Length

  11. 高压输电线路采用深层垂直接地体的探讨

    Exploration of deep-seated vertical ground applied to HV transmission lines

  12. 干式空心电抗器接地体发热问题分析

    The Dry Air Reactor Earth Body Gives off Heat the Problem Analysis

  13. 构造微机接地体的降阻环境

    Constructing A Resistor Decreasing Environment of Ground Body of Microcomputers

  14. 四种简单接地体的冲击接地阻抗分析

    Analysis of Transient Grounding Resistance of Four Simple Earth-Termination Systems

  15. 输电杆塔伸长接地体冲击接地电阻的计算

    Calculation of impulse earthing resistance of extension grounding rod for transmission poles

  16. 水平接地体的雷电冲击特性研究

    Research of Lightning Impulse Characteristics of Horizontal Grounding Electrode

  17. 模拟接地体电流分布的测量

    The Measurement on Current Distribution of Grounding Grid Model

  18. 伸长接地体冲击特性的研究

    Research for impulse characteristics of extended grounding electrode

  19. 接地体冲击特性试验与降阻剂的作用

    Impulse Characteristics Test of Ground Electrodes and the Effect of Grounding Resistance Reducing Agent

  20. 从接地体、接地线的设置2方面,阐述了几种抗干扰的具体措施。

    The interference protection measures were suggested considering the installing earth matter and earth wire .

  21. 长圆柱形接地体接地电阻的计算头部的顶体为细长柱形,末端渐细,电子密度较小;

    The acrosome in the head is long cylindrical in shape and has low electronic density .

  22. 分析了包覆导电混凝土钢接地体腐蚀的原因。

    The reason for corrosion of the grounding steel conductor in surrounding conductive concrete is analyzed .

  23. 等电位联结也可不与人工或自然接地体连接的,成为不接地的等电位联结。

    Equipotential connection may not connect with the manual or natural earthing to become earth-free equipotential connection .

  24. 工业游散电流、金属接地体、地下埋设的金属管道是地电观测的主要干扰源。

    Industrious free electric current , mental pipes under ground and other mental objects are main interface sources .

  25. 广电中心工艺地线系统高频接地体设计及工程实例

    Process Ground Line System 's High Frequency Grounding Objects Design and Project Example in Radio and TV Center

  26. 分析了铜接地体不同连接头的可靠性及其在施工中应注意的事项。

    The reliability of copper-made grounding device with different connection types is analyzed , and cautions in construction are advised .

  27. 针对江苏连云港郊区变压器的现场勘察情况,提出人工接地体技术方案。

    Artificial grounding electrode technology is proposed according to the on-the-spot survey of distribution transformers in mountain areas of Lianyungang .

  28. 对均匀介质中矩形混凝土竖直单根钢筋接地体的基础接地电阻的计算方法进行了研究。

    This paper studies a calculation method for earth resistance of a single vertical steel rodin rectangle concrete of uniform dielectric .

  29. 即使考虑强大的渗透作用,集中接地体或小型地网的降阻率也不会超出56.6%。

    The resistance-reducing rate for the small ground grid or electrode is less than 56.6 % , even under large permeability .

  30. 尝试在电解池中运用电量隔离传感器来测量接地体中的电流分布;

    The isolated sensor of electricity is used in measuring the current distribution inside the grounding electrode in the electrolysis bath .