
jiē shōu
  • receive;reception;accept;receipt;take over
接收 [jiē shōu]
  • (1) [receive]∶接纳;收受

  • 接收工作

  • (2) [take over]∶依据法令收归己方所有

  • 接收抗洪物质

接收[jiē shōu]
  1. 我们可以接收多达500个有线电视频道。

    We can receive up to 500 cable channels .

  2. 大约6万用户拥有特殊的适配器来接收和转换信号。

    About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals .

  3. 我们今年接收的实习生已满员。

    We 've taken our full complement of trainees this year .

  4. 我的电话接收效果很差。

    There was very poor reception on my phone .

  5. 管理部门有权拒绝接收。

    The management reserves the right to refuse admission .

  6. 到了晚上,瞳孔就会扩大以接收更多光线。

    At night , the pupils dilate to allow in more light

  7. 电传机没日没夜“嗒嗒嗒”地接收新闻稿。

    The telex chattered all day and night with news bulletins .

  8. 调整天线的位置和方向以达到最佳接收效果。

    Adjust the aerial 's position and direction for the best reception .

  9. 编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。

    The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials .

  10. 他们被告知,奥尔布赖特医生不再接收新病人了。

    They were told that Dr Albright wasn 't taking any new patients .

  11. 迄今为止,从前南斯拉夫接收的难民只有区区1,100人。

    It has so far accepted a miserable 1,100 refugees from the former Yugoslavia .

  12. 新信息的接收与发布之间通常会间隔一段时间。

    There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication .

  13. “菲蓝特”的船员接收到了“无畏者三号”游艇发出的遇险信号。

    The crew of Philante picked up a distress signal from the yacht Sans Peur III.

  14. 接收到的信号有点弱,但对他来说已够清晰,可以接收到。

    The reception was a little faint but clear enough for him to receive the signal .

  15. 在美国有提案建议把每年移民的接收数量增加3倍。

    There was a proposal in the United States to quadruple its annual intake of immigrants .

  16. 这个教堂接收到一笔遗产,可以用来聘请医生为穷人治病。

    The church here was left a bequest to hire doctors who would work amongst the poor .

  17. 在几个接收国和一些非政府组织的共同努力下,这些难民得以安置。

    These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations .

  18. 你不会过得太艰苦;每个房间都配备了一部电话和一台可以接收3个频道的收音机。

    You won 't be roughing it ; each room comes equipped with a telephone and a 3-channel radio .

  19. 他接收偷盗的鞋子,然后把它们再转给那些销赃者。

    He received the shoes when stolen , and then passed them on to the men who would sell them .

  20. 多亏有了因特网,邮件现在可即时接收。

    Thanks to the Internet , mail is now instantly available .

  21. 收音机的接收效果不太好。

    The radio reception isn 't very clear .

  22. 这里电视节目的接收情况不佳。

    Reception of TV programmes is unsatisfactory here .

  23. 慈善机构接收了总计不超过4万英镑的礼物。

    The charity received gifts , which in aggregate did not exceed £ 40,000 .

  24. 我们把他们的房子接收过来了。

    We 've taken possession of their house .

  25. 他爬上屋顶调整天线,以改善接收效果。

    He climbed up to the roof to adjust the aerial for a better reception .

  26. 加沙立即实现开放以接收食品、药物和其他人道主义援助,以色列停止经济封锁,这是非常紧迫的事。

    It is urgent that Gaza be open immediately to receive food , medicine and other humanitarian aid , and that Israel end its economic blockade .

  27. 例如,我们可以改变接收通知的频率这些通知令我们分心,促使我们要想要查看信息。

    For example , we can change how often we receive the distracting notifications that trigger our urge to check .

  28. 据说泰勒可以学习她所接收到的留言。

    Taylor was supposed to be able to learn from the messages she received .

  29. 光纤电缆的发展使得每分钟接收数十亿比特的信息成为可能。

    The development of fiber-optic cables allowed for billions of bits of information to be received every minute .

  30. 任何以特定频率接收无线信号的设备都可能被在相同频率上进入的更强的信号所覆盖。

    Any device that 's built to receive a wireless signal at a specific frequency can be overwhelmed by a stronger signal coming in on the same frequency .