
jiē qiú
  • catch the ball;return a served ball
  1. 她想要接球,但没有接住。

    She tried to catch the ball but bobbled it .

  2. 用双手接球。

    Catch the ball with both hands .

  3. 我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头。

    I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over .

  4. 接球手与四分卫将会对换位置。

    The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions .

  5. 要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。

    To improve hand-eye co-ordination , practise throwing and catching balls .

  6. 他们又是跳绳,又是玩接球,等着上课铃声响起。

    They skip rope and play catch , waiting for the bell .

  7. 切尔西的私人包机航班BMI无法离开奥博丁机场,也无法到纽卡去接球队,所以切尔西被困了。

    Chelsea 's private chartered BMI flight was unable to leave Aberdeen airport to pick the squad up at Newcastle , so they were stranded .

  8. CBA球员在内线的传接球比较少,也就是有进攻威胁性的传接球比较少。

    The inner lane passing and catching basketball of CBA players is less so the threat offensive of passing and catching basketball is less .

  9. 但事实上,接球手利用的是一种叫做“凝视捷思”(gazeheuristic)的认知捷径,前后跑动的同时始终保持视线与下落中的球的夹角恒定。

    But in fact , ball-catchers use a cognitive shortcut called the " gaze heuristic " , running forward and back while keeping constant the angle of sight up to the ball as it descends .

  10. 图2h说明了复位效果.你在对手接球点相对的一侧.双打时你只需回到单打边线与底线的角落后。

    Diagram 2H shows this repositioning effect . You are on the side opposite your opponent 's contact spot . In doubles you simply reposition behind the singles sideline corner behind the baseline .

  11. 在这组非常赞的图片中,被营救的孤儿大象Bubbles和拉布拉多犬Bella在玩接球游戏,Bubbles用象鼻捡起球逗Bella,Bella只能够到自己小伙伴的膝盖。

    Our charming pictures show Bubbles , a rescued orphan elephant , picking up a ball with her trunk to tease Bella the labrador , who can just about reach her pal 's knee .

  12. 应用距离几何理论和解析方法研究了n维欧氏空间En中n维单形的外接球半径与内切球半径之间的不等式关系,以及单形体积与棱长之间的不等式关系。

    The theory of distance geometry and the analytic method is used to study the inequality for circumradius and inradius and for the volume and edge-lengths of an n-dimensional simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean space E ~ n.

  13. 本文用新方法讨论解决了n维椭圆空间S~n中若干几何问题。给出了关于n维球面单形的余弦定理、高的公式、内切及外接球半径r,R以及内心I与外心Q间的距离公式。

    In this paper , we discuss some geometric problems in n dimensional elliptic space Sn to give the theory of cosine , the formula of highness , inradius , circumradius and distance between inscribed spherical centre and circumscribed spherical centre about n dimensional spherical simplex .

  14. 本文建立了n维单形Wn与其内接单形W'n的外接球半径和内切球半径的一个几何不等式,它包含了n维Euler不等式。

    A geometric inequality for the circumradius and inradius of an n-dimensional simplex Ω n and it 's inscribed simplex Ω 'n is established . It contains the n-dimensional Euler inequality .

  15. 给出了n维欧氏空间En中的两个关于单形外接球半径和内径的几何不等式,同时进一步改进了文〔1〕和〔2〕中的n维欧拉不等式。

    In two inequalities concerning the circumradius and inradius of an n dimensional simplex in the n dimensional Euclidean space E n were obtained , Thus , the n dimensional Euler inequality and the inequality in , were improved .

  16. CBA的助攻次数明显偏少,CBA在进攻方面依赖传接球技术比较小,比NBA球员相差较多,体现在传接球技术和传接球意识上差距。

    4 , the secondary offensive number of CBA is significantly decreased , and CBA offensive rarely rely on passing and catching basketball technology , so the gap of the technology and consciousness on passing and catching basketball between CBA and NBA is obvious .

  17. 必须符合VESC规范V-5中有关四类拖车挂接球的强度要求(拖车最高总毛重6000磅)

    Must meet the strength requirements of V.E.S.C. regulation V-5 for Class 4 Hitch Balls ( with max. gross trailer weight of 6000 LBS )

  18. 分析了正多面体结构的特点,通过研究正多面体外接球与特征基本体&棱锥的参数关系,应用特征复制原理,介绍了在Solidworks环境下进行正多面体三维建模的方法。

    The structure of the regular polyhedron was analyzed . By investigating the parameter relationship between the regular polyhedron and the basic feature pyramid and applying the principles of feature copy , the 3D modeling method of the regular polyhedron in solidworks system was presented .

  19. 研究表明:CUBA的优秀球队在投篮命中率、抢断球、以及传接球等基本技术上逐年有所提高,但与WCBA相比较还有较大差距;

    The research suggests that although the basic skills , such as shooting , stealing and passing , are improved year by year , there is still a wide gap between the outstanding woman teams of CUBA and topnotch youth teams or WCBA teams .

  20. 如果用Synergy技术分析他的前一百次投篮,他在进攻中就是标准的摇摆人:随着持球人撕破防线,他能接球就投,也能无球跑动寻求最后一攻。

    If you look at his Synergy play type numbers for his first 100 shots , his role in the offense is that of your basic swingman : as ball handlers break down the defense , he 's either catching and shooting or moving without the ball and looking to finish off the pass .

  21. 要想成为一个伟大的射手要从做好接球开始。

    Being a great shooter starts before you receive the basketball .

  22. 那两个男孩到院子里去玩接球。

    The two boys went into the yard and played catch .

  23. 我们队的左外野手鱼跃接球。

    This left fielder of our team made a diving catch .

  24. 接收服务器数据错误!你接球顺序错误!(双打)

    Pop3 server data error . You received out of turn !

  25. 他去接球,但没接稳。

    He tried to catch the ball , but juggled it .

  26. 我教李明投和接球。

    I taught Li Ming to throw and catch the ball .

  27. 外场中接球手正前方的部分。

    The part of the outfield directly ahead of the catcher .

  28. 接球,吉米,接球

    Take it , Jimmy ! Take it ! Take it !

  29. 塞莱斯发球然后正手接球得分。

    Seles serves and saves Break point with nice forehand winner .

  30. 他在后院里同儿子玩传接球游戏。

    He played catch with his son in the backyard .