
chū shǒu jiǎo dù
  • angle of release;angle of delivery;angle of trajectory
  1. 链球最佳的投掷出手角度是多少?

    What is the optimum angle of release of the hammer ?

  2. 为了验证新、旧最佳投掷角度公式的真实性,运用最佳出手角度标志线,对新、旧公式进行了抽样检验。

    In order to verify the factuality of the old and new optimal formulas of the throwing angle in shot put , the marking of the optimal angle of release was applied to sample for verifying the old and the new formulas .

  3. 优秀铅球运动员推球出手角度探讨

    The Explanations of Excellent Shot Athletes Who Shot at Small Angle

  4. 考虑空气阻力时标枪最佳出手角度研究

    Study on the Optimal Release Angle of Javelin with Air Resistance

  5. 对推铅球最佳出手角度的重新认识

    The Newly Cognition of the Best Angle of Casting Shot

  6. 对投掷项目最佳出手角度的新探讨

    The New Study to Optimum Angle Projection in the Throws

  7. 铅球最佳出手角度的力学原理分析及应用

    Analyses and application of mechanics in the best shot - putting angle

  8. 女子标枪出手角度的研究

    A Study on the Release Angle of Woman Javelin Thrower

  9. 女子铅球运动员出手角度的研究与分析

    A study and analysis on suitable push angle of female shot - sport

  10. 对铅球出手角度的重新认识

    The Newly Cognition of the Angle of Putting Shot

  11. 铅球出手角度的生物力学分析

    Biomechanics Analysis of Release Angle in Shot Putting

  12. 以次为依据,通过数理运算,推导出了铅球最佳出手角度理论计算新公式。

    On the basis of this a new formula on the optimum angle of throwing the shot is produced .

  13. 试用数学模型分析投篮的出手角度&以分析罚球投中空心篮方式为基本模型

    Analysis on the Angle of Shot by Using Mathematical Models & Taking Analysis of Air Balls in Free Throws as Basic Models

  14. 表明新公式作为铅球最佳出手角度的理论依据是客观准确地。

    It is objective right that the new formula is regarded as the theory basis of the optimum angle of the throwing shot .

  15. 若无初始俯仰角速度时,最好的出手角度范围为37°~43°,其中42°最佳;最好的出手范围为39°~44°,其中43°最佳;

    The best range of release angle with no pitching angular velocity is from 37 ° to 44 ° and the optimal angle is 43 ° .

  16. 这主要是由于软式排球在空气中飞行时受到的阻力较大,为了增大向前的作用力,通过改变出手角度来实现。

    It was mainly due to soft volleyball flying in the air resistance by the larger , in order to increase the forward force , achieved by changing the angle shot .

  17. 对铅球投掷进行拍摄,对视频进行网络传输和保存,对视频图像进行数字化分析,得出铅球的运动轨迹、出手角度和运动方向,数据发布。

    Throwing of shot to shoot the video for network transmission and preservation of digital video image analysis , the trajectory of shot , shot angle and direction , the data release .

  18. 在单支撑旋转阶段,较大的水平速度可以能保证快速的旋转加速技术使铁饼在这一阶段能够得到持续的加速度,但是为以后出手角度的控制上增加了难度。

    In the single support rotating stage , a greater level of speed to ensure rapid spin up the discus at this stage can be sustained acceleration , but increases the difficulty of control after the shot angle .

  19. 但在有空气阻力作用的情况下,在水平距离达到最大值时的标枪出手角度一般不是45度,而且和标枪的出手速度有关。

    When release angle is 45 degree , the throwing distance is the farthest , and the farthest throwing distance with air drag is not obtained by releasing javelin with 45 degree , and throwing distance is concerned with release velocity .

  20. 对铅球的投掷过程进行了生物力学分析,并通过对普通高校女生铅球出手角度的实验,确定出其最佳出手角度的分布范围及特点,旨在为铅球投掷教学和投掷理论提供参考依据和改进方向。

    Making biomechanics analysis on release angle in shot putting , and mainly making experiment and analysis on the best release angle in female students of geneal college , this provides reference basis and correct direction for teaching theory in shot putting .

  21. 本文通过查阅大量相关资料,从出手角度、最后用力的工作距离和时间、铅球最后用力上升的高度等方面,从运动生物力学的角度来谈谈自己粗浅的看法。

    With the help of substantial related references , the author would like to dwell on such aspects from the angel of sports biomechanics as the initial velocity , the working distance and time of final push and the height of ascending shot under the final push .

  22. 为了解决铅球适宜投出角度公式与实践偏离的问题,分析了铅球成绩与抛体最大射程的函数关系,得出了最大成绩定理、新最佳投出角度公式和最佳出手角度标志线参数式。

    In order to solve the problem of deviation of suitable angle and the practice of shot put , the author analyzes the function relation between performance and the maximum projectile range , draws the best result theorem that is new optimum angle formula and sign line parameter .

  23. 通过对推铅球技术的演变过程和动作技术的力学分析与研究发现:现代推铅球技术的出手角度,往往低于传统的理论角度(38-°42°);

    Through the research of the developing process of the shot putting skill and the analysis of the movement skill , the paper shows : " the release angle " of the modern shot put skill is always lower than the traditional theory angle ( 38 ° - 42 °);

  24. 投空心篮出手速度与出手角度的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical analysis of shooting speed and angle for swish shot

  25. 出手的高度、角度、速度是影响投篮命中率的主要因素。

    The height , the angle and the speed of shooting are the main factors influencing the percentage of successful shots .

  26. 结果表明:铅球出手速度与出手角度间存在一定的函数变化关系;

    The researcher shows that there exists a certain functionary relation between the muzzle velocity of shot and the casting angle , which has great effect on the shot casting sports .

  27. 根据两种出手速度和出手角度的模型,对女子标枪运动员使用不同米级女子标枪的实际最佳出手角度进行了计算,提出了投出实际最佳出手角度的方法。

    Based on the models of two kinds of release velocity and their corresponding angles of release , the best angle of release with javelins different in metric grade was calculated and the throwing method was suggested .

  28. 出手速度之间的推铅球出手角度与关系击球手打出一个高飞球到中外野手。

    Relations between the Angle out of Hand and Shot-putter s Strength ; The batter skied to the center fielder .

  29. 研究认为:从理论的层面上,如果出手初速度和出手高度固定不变,不考虑其它因素的条件下,出手角度41°~42°最为理想。

    In the abstract , the most advantageous throwing angle is about 41 °~ 42 °, if the throwing speed and height are fixed and without regard to other elements .

  30. 最后用力阶段铅球出手速度、出手高度与世界优秀运动员的参数比较呈非常显著性差异,铅球出手角度与世界优秀运动员的参数比较呈显著性差异。

    Finally forceful stage , the release speed and angle of delivery have very highly significant with foreign athletes , the angle of delivery have significant differences .