
  1. 有些同学要出国游学练英文,有些则和家人一起出国旅游。

    Some classmates will attend overseas English language programs ; others will travel abroad with their families .

  2. 因此,我们所提供的费用基本上都已缩减至最低的个人出国游学可能的所有费用。

    That is why we have boiled down to costs to represent basically all costs one could anticipate when studying abroad .

  3. 尽管很多同学之前就告诉我,出国游学是他们一生中做过的最好的选择,但我总觉得有点夸张。

    People had told me throughout college that studying abroad was one of the best decisions they ever made , but I always thought they were over exaggerating .

  4. 蒋方舟说她也许不会把写作作为未来发展的主要职业,因为她想尝试其他生活方式&出国游学对她的吸引力非常大。

    Jiang says that she may not pursue writing as her main future career because she wants to try other lifestyles – overseas travel and study touring sound particularly inviting to her .