
  • 网络the first speed
  1. 最后用力阶段髋的稳定性对标枪运动员出手初速度的影响

    Effects of stability of hip in the final exertion on the throwing speed of javelin throwers

  2. 最后用力超越器械程度不够,工作距离短,影响标枪出手初速度;

    It is not enough to surmount degree of apparatus hard finally , exert oneself the job distance short finally , will inevitablely influence the darts skill tempo ;

  3. 研究认为:从理论的层面上,如果出手初速度和出手高度固定不变,不考虑其它因素的条件下,出手角度41°~42°最为理想。

    In the abstract , the most advantageous throwing angle is about 41 °~ 42 °, if the throwing speed and height are fixed and without regard to other elements .

  4. 掷铁饼最后用力阶段环节枝术是指在掷铁饼的最后加速阶段,身体各环节为将铁饼以最快的出手初速度和适宜的角度掷出,而采用的动作方法。

    The technique of the delivery phase is a method the body adopts for the purpose of throwing discus at the most fast initial velocity and a suitable angle at the final speeding-up stage .

  5. 加速部分,尽量增加铅球运行距离,适当延长其时间,有利于加快铅球出手的初速度,提高运动成绩。

    To increase moving distance of shot at accelerating section in order to increase initial velocity of thrusting the shot away .