
  • 网络Water outlet;plughole;osculum;exhalant siphon;excurrent siphon
  1. 在进行仿真时,以改变夹具出水孔的直径为手段,进行了不同背压条件下COMSOL仿真。

    Simulating based on COMSOL on different backpressure conditions was done by changing water hole diameter of the fixture means .

  2. 滴灌管埋于地下30cm,出水孔上覆盖过滤层。

    The tube was embedded below 30 cm of the soil surface , and there was a layer of filtration on the holes of irrigation .

  3. 分散输水系统船闸出水孔段廊道的水工模型缩尺影响

    Scale effect of lock culvert manifold in hydraulic model

  4. 供水压力对节点渗灌管出水孔工作压力影响的研究

    Study on Influence of Water Supply Pressure on Outlet Pressure of Node Permeation Irrigation Pipe

  5. 所述出水孔(2)可以是水平一排2到6个孔。

    The water outlet ( 2 ) can be a level row of2 to6 holes .

  6. 油漆时,舷侧出水孔(共10处)接临时疏水管。

    Run off pipes to be connected temporarily for out board scupper ( 10 pcs in total ) during time of painting .

  7. 积压仓对应的壳体上设有可打开的门及多个出水孔。

    The casing relative to the overstock bin is equipped with a door which can be opened and a plurality of water outlet holes .

  8. 本实用新型汽车天线涉及的是一种带有出水孔的汽车天线。

    The utility model relates to an antenna for a car , relating to an antenna with a water outlet hole for a car .

  9. 为减少码头前沿的反射波高,巧妙地在卸荷板和胸墙中设置进、出水孔和消浪室。

    Water inlet & outlet and wave breaking chambers are arranged for relieving slab and breast wall to reduce the reflected wave height alongside the berth .

  10. 本实用新型在外罩底部设有出水孔,在出水孔设有可打开和关闭的堵塞;

    The utility model is provided with an outlet at the bottom of the outer casing , wherein the outlet is provided with a plug capable of opening and closing .

  11. 试验表明:无压灌溉的灌溉水量主要集中在出水孔周围20范围内,不同的孔口压力能够改变孔口出水量和0~30土壤储水量,从而实现对作物的限水灌溉;

    The results indicated that irrigation water was chiefly concentrated in 20 cm diameter around water hole , and the outlet water rate and top 0 ~ 30cm soil water content were impacted by water pressure , therefore controlling irrigation could be achieved .