
chū qì tǒng
  • whipping boy;one who serves as a vent to sb.'s anger;a person against whom sb.s anger is wrongly vented
出气筒 [chū qì tǒng]
  • [a person against whom sb.s anger is wrongly vented] 没有恰当的由头而被人当作发泄怨恨的对象

出气筒[chū qì tǒng]
  1. 别拿孩子当出气筒!

    Don 't use the kids as a punching bag ! or don 't take it out on the kids !

  2. 打从那时起,你就把我当做出气筒。

    Ever since then you 've treated me like a doormat .

  3. 他的秘书成了他的出气筒。

    His secretary have to bear the brunt of his temper .

  4. 被翻译成:又及:不要拿你的信箱当出气筒。

    P.S. : Don 't take it out on your mailbox .

  5. 但你不应该拿她当出气筒。

    But you shouldn 't be taking it out on her .

  6. 我并没有拿那只狗当出气筒。

    I 'm not taking spite out on the dog .

  7. 我的同事常拿他的狗做出气筒[发泄他的愤怒]。

    My colleague often vents his anger on his dog .

  8. 别拿我当出气筒!

    Don 't take your spite out on me !

  9. 她又累又失望,就拿我当出气筒。

    She only took it out on me because she was tired and disappointed .

  10. 他需要一个出气筒。

    He wants an outlet for his anger .

  11. 他工作有压力时总是拿我当出气筒。

    When he 's under pressure at work , he takes it out on me .

  12. 没有人应该被别人当作出气筒,无论是身体上还是语言上。

    No one deserves to be anyone else 's punching bag , physically or verbally .

  13. 在那种情况之下,没有一个人是他的出气筒。

    On that occasion there was no one on whom his temper could be worked off .

  14. 好吧不管为什么他为什么拿我当出气筒

    Well , whatever it is , why did he have to take it out on me ?

  15. 有时带著半虚脱的体力来面对冲突,可避免误将配偶视为出气筒。

    Sometimes you can avoid venting the uncontrolled anger on your spouse when your physical energy is half-drained .

  16. 联合会希望取得的成果之一是,避免让私人股本公司成为政治出气筒。

    One of the outcomes is to avoid a situation where private equity becomes a political punching bag .

  17. 另一个例子显然是一个拳击手取出一个出气筒或对手的不满。

    Another example would obviously be a boxer taking out his frustration on a punching bag or an opponent .

  18. 长期以来,美联储一直是反政府保守派人士的出气筒,这些人不喜欢美联储的权力和他们眼中的不透明。

    The central bank has long been a whipping boy for anti-government conservatives , who dislike its power and perceived opacity .

  19. 虽然它们是历史上的小国,地缘政治上的出气筒,但很明显,他们在足球场上仍然极具竞争力。

    Yet it 's remarkable , given their small size and history as geopolitical doormats , that they remain competitive at all .

  20. 但盖特纳仍将扮演美国国会出气筒的角色,以舒缓国会对奥巴马政府明显未能控制金融机构行为的怨气。

    But Mr Geithner remains the lightning rod on Capitol Hill for the perceived failure of the administration to control behaviour at financial institutions .

  21. 但这位行政院院长目前极有可能成为不满食品污染事件的公众的出气筒,马先生应该不得不再次慎重考虑。

    But with the prime minister now a possible lightning rod for dissatisfaction over the tainted products , Mr Ma may have to think again .

  22. 而且,中国也没有像穆巴拉克,卡扎菲这样被狂热崇拜的人物充当反对派的出气筒。

    Also , the country does not have a cultish figure like Hosni Mubarak or Colonel Muammar Qaddafi to act as a lightning rod for dissent .

  23. “似乎我的大部分的生活都是接受他的愤怒,我不是出气筒,”劳拉不情愿地说。

    " It seems to be my lot in life to be the recipient of his ire , when I am not accidentally creating scandals ," Nora said resignedly .

  24. 就今天的欧洲而言,痛苦的国内改革只有在国民高度团结的前提下才能实现。因此对各国来说,为国民找到一个共同的出气筒来达成这种团结,实在是一个诱人的选项。

    For Europe today , painful domestic reforms can be accomplished only with a high degree of national solidarity , and it is tempting to rally against a common nemesis to achieve such solidarity .

  25. 自从她咆哮着现身在她的天主教学校女生制服在1999年,“小甜甜”一直是值得信赖的女孩的时候,每当世界正在寻找一个妙语或一个出气筒。

    Ever since she snarled onto the scene in her Catholic school girl uniform in1999 , Spears has been the go-to girl whenever the world is looking for a punch line or a punching bag .

  26. 她简直就是个出气筒,连家里人都不把她当回事。那天,部里的职员,他的下属都成了他的出气筒。

    " She 's plain doormat , for even every member of her family would treat her like dirt . " That day the minister 's clerks and the subordinates had a great deal to put up with from his ill-humor .

  27. 当时一无所知现在也一样我听说鲍曼先生脾气不太好我还听说你受够了当他的出气筒

    Didn 't know anything then . Don 't know anything now . I heard a rumor Mr. Bowman had a bit of a temper . I also heard you were sick of him taking it out on you . Yeah , well , you 'd be sick of it too .