
  1. 登记事项由国务院出版行政部门规定。

    Items of registration shall be stipulated by the publication administration department of the State Council .

  2. 第四条国务院出版行政部门负责全国音像制品的出版、制作和复制的监督管理工作;

    Article4The publication administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for the publication , production and reproduction of audio-visual products nationwide ;

  3. 须向批准的新闻出版行政部门办理注销登记,缴回许可证。

    It must make cancellation registration in the administrative department of press and publication that granted the approval , and have its permit taken back .

  4. 地方各级新闻出版行政部门负责本行政区域内的期刊出版活动的监督管理工作。

    Local administrations of press and publication at different levels are responsible for the supervision and administration of periodical publication activities within their own administrative areas .

  5. 本办法所称图书、报纸、期刊是指经国务院出版行政部门批准的出版单位出版的图书、报纸、期刊。

    The books , newspapers and magazines herein refer to those published by the publishing units approved by the publication administrative department of the State Council .

  6. 出版物发行单位变更其他登记事项,向批准的新闻出版行政部门备案。

    If a publication distributing entity intends to modify other registered particulars , it shall report to the administrative department of press and publication that granted the approval for record .

  7. 由省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门审核同意后,报新闻出版总署批准。

    It shall be , after being approved and consented by the administrative department of press and publication of the province submitted to the State Press and Publication Administration for approval .

  8. 省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门制定的出版物发行网点设置规划

    The planning made by the administrative department of press and publication of a province , autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government on the set up of publication distributing network

  9. 省新闻出版行政部门和全国性出版、发行行业协会,可以申请主办全国性的出版物订货、展销活动。

    The administrative departments of press and publication of provinces and the publishing or distributing industrial associations nationwide may apply to hold the activities of order or sales exhibitions of publications nationwide .

  10. 新闻出版行政部门明令禁止出版、印刷或者复制、发行的出版物。这条新闻在头版醒目位置登出。

    A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster . publications explicitly prohibited by the administrative department of press and publication from being published , printed , reproduced or distributed .

  11. 超出新闻出版行政部门核准的经营范围、经营地点经营的。参与买卖书号、刊号、版号的;

    Undertaking operation in excess of the business scope or business place approved by the administrative department of press and publication ; participating in the trading of book numbers , serial numbers or publisher 's codes ;

  12. 批准的,由省、自治区新闻出版行政部门颁发《出版物经营许可证》,并报新闻出版总署备案。

    If the application is approved , the administrative department of press and publication of the province , autonomous region shall issue the " Permit for Running Publications ", and report to the State Press and Publication Administration for record .

  13. 加入WTO后,在新的形势下,在我国出版行政管理部门的现行政策下,出版社如何主动寻求发展空间,提高竞争力十分关键。

    After China 's entry into WTO , with the present policies of the administration departments , it becomes a key how the publishing houses should actively improve their competitive competence so as to find the space for their development .

  14. 本市出版行政管理部门会同市测管办,负责本市地图出版的管理。

    The municipal administrative department of publication is responsible for map publication jointly with the Administrative Office .

  15. 新闻出版总署和省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门

    A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster . The State Press and Publication Administration and the administrative departments of press and publication of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government

  16. 全国新闻出版管理信息系统是一个依托公用通信平台连接全国各级新闻出版行政管理部门(新闻出版总署、各地方新闻出版局)的广域计算机网络,服务于我国新闻出版行业管理。

    " Management information system of the National Press and Publication " is the WAN based on public communication platform , which provides information exchanging and management services to national press and publication area .