
chū quē
  • Vacancies; fall vacant;leave a post vacant
出缺 [chū quē]
  • [(of a high post)fall vacant] 职位空缺;官吏在任病故而职位空出来

  1. 戏剧学校校长一职出缺,他马上抓住了这个机会。

    The post of principal of the theatre school became vacant and he leapt at the chance .

  2. 在此之前,特拉华州的州长任命乔•拜登(JoeBiden)最信任的助手来担任因拜登先生出任副总统而出缺的参议员。

    Before that , the governor of Delaware appointed one of Joe Biden 's most trusted aides to the seat Mr Biden is abandoning to become vice-president .

  3. 用SDSpage方法对国内外293份小麦品种(系)Waxy蛋白进行了鉴定,筛选出缺WxA1的材料2份;

    The types of Waxy protein of 293 wheat varieties or lines introduced from various countries were identified by SDS PAGE method . Two varieties were identified to be the type with null in Wx A1 protein ;

  4. 问问她朋友知不知道有任何工作出缺,对她也无伤。

    It wouldn 't hurt her to ask her friends if they know of any job openings .

  5. 目前我们暂时没有空缺,但是一旦出缺我们就会与您联系。

    While there is no opening at this moment , we will contact you once the opportunity arises .

  6. 可自动存储、管理探测数据及结果,并直接输出根石断面图、计算出缺石位置和缺石量;

    The system can automatically store , manage the detecting data and results , directly outputting the sectional drawings and calculating the position and quantity of vacant stones .

  7. 在参议院休会期间,如遇有职位出缺,总统有权任命官员补充缺额,任期于参议院下届会议结束时终结。

    The President shall have the power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate , by granting commissions , which shall expire at the end of their next session .

  8. 遇有副总统职位出缺,总统应提名一名副总统,经国会两院多数票批准后就职。

    Section 2 . Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice-President , the President shall nominate a Vice-President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress .