
chū zī rén
  • Contributor;promoter;subscriber;buyer;person who finances a project/activity/etc
  1. 所以,亟需完善相关规定,在明确国有资产授权经营公司为国有资产出资人代表的基础上,妥为构建国有资产授权经营法律制度。

    The author considers that the establishment of the legal system should be based on the principle that the authorized operation corporate of state assets is the represent of state assets buyer .

  2. 我正在寻找一位支持我收购的出资人。

    I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buy-out .

  3. e.具备收益能力,即能够为公司和出资人带来利益。

    Have profit ability , can for the company and the investor benefits .

  4. 上月,再鼎医药从多家私人投资机构筹资1亿美元,出资人包括两家美国大型投资公司——红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和奥博资本(OrbiMed)。

    This was followed last month by a $ 100m private fundraising from backers including Sequoia Capital and OrbiMed , two big US investment companies .

  5. EVA奖金计划是企业家实现人力资本剩余索取权的重要途径,从而促使出资人和企业家之间的目标一致和激励相容。

    EVA Bonus Plan is the important approach to achieving human capital right for surplus , and promoting shareholders . Entrepreneurs have the same goal and incentive orientation .

  6. 这项研究的融资也正通过一种DIY的方式进行:两周时间左右它便在Kickstarter网上吸引到约4500个出资人,承诺投资超过25万美元(约合153.53万元人民币)的资金。

    The project is also being financed in a D.I.Y. sort of way : It has attracted more than $ 250,000 in pledges from about 4,500 donors in about two weeks on the Web site Kickstarter .

  7. 国有企业出资人制度的原由和框架

    Causes and Framework of Investor System in China 's State-owned Enterprises

  8. 完善监管机制保障出资人监管到位

    To Improve Supervision System and Ensure The Owner 's Supervision

  9. 第三,有助于保障社会出资人的利益。

    Third , help to safeguard the interests of the investor community .

  10. 股东作为出资人是公司财产的终极所有者。

    Shareholders as investors are the eventual owner of property of company .

  11. 问题的症结就是出资人缺位。

    The crux of the problem is the vacancy of the assets owner .

  12. 国有资产:出资人代表与经营者的管理问题

    State-owned property : management of investor representative and operator

  13. 出资人视角下青岛市国有企业收入分配问题研究

    Research on Income Distribution of State-owned Enterprises in Qingdao with Investor 's View

  14. 出资人出具的债权债务清理文件;

    Investor debt obligations issued by the clean-up document ;

  15. 瑕疵出资人能否转让其瑕疵股权也存在争议。

    Defective capital contribution one can transfer the defective equity is also controversial .

  16. 初论国有资本出资人财务管理

    Elementary Discussion about National Capital Investor 's Financial Management

  17. 国有出资人机构面临的问题

    Problems Faced by the Administrative Institution of State-owned Properties

  18. 出资人如何监控企业财务

    How to supervise enterprise 's finance by providers

  19. 加快国有资产出资人制度的建立

    On Speeding up the State-owned Property Investor System

  20. 她的回答是:“面对自己的出资人,你怎么强硬?”

    And answered : " how do you get tough on your banker ? "

  21. 以资本金注入方式投入的,要确定出资人代表。

    For capital injected through principal injection , the contributor representative shall be confirmed .

  22. 论国有企业出资人财务监督的方式

    On State-Owned Enterprise Owner 's Finance Controlling Systems

  23. 出资人制度是提高投资效率的根本途径

    On the System of Investors as a Fundamental Way to Increase the Investment Efficiency

  24. 关于出资人经济责任审计的若干问题研究

    The Research on Investment Person Economical Responsibility Audit

  25. 试论国有资产出资人制度

    On the system of state assets provider

  26. 出资人经济责任审计是国务院赋予国有资产监督管理机构的重要职责。

    The investment person economical responsibility audit is the state-owned assets supervision 's important mission .

  27. 笔者认为不同资本制度只意味着出资人缴付出资的方式不同;

    The author considers that the different capital system means different manner of the capital contribution .

  28. 由于展示会上所作的介绍,一些项目已开始同潜在出资人展开了商讨。

    Thanks to introductions at the fair , some projects are in discussion with potential funders .

  29. 对省地矿局建立出资人财务的探讨

    Approach to Establishing the System That Can Reflect Investor 's Finance in Provincial Geological Prospecting Bureau

  30. 下一步工作:与出资人展开商讨

    Next Steps : Discussions with Funders