
  • 网络Chief Human Resource Officer;chro
  1. 陈玮今年2月份加入万科,担任首席人力资源官。在过去五年中,有十几名出生在中国、受过西方教育的高管加入万科。

    He started working for Vanke in February as chief human resources officer , one of about a dozen China-born , Western-educated executives to join the company during the past five years .

  2. 他列出了25家宾馆公司。它们都是大的连锁或精品店,并且列出了重要执行官,包括首席执行官、首席人力资源官,还有市场营销人员。

    He made a target list of25 hotel companies , both major chains and boutiques , and mapped out the key executives , including the CEO , chief human resources officer , and marketing staff .