
  • 网络Chief Correspondent;Chief Reporter
  1. 但是邮件中的问题在于收件人是Neville,这个名字可能指向于世界新闻报的首席记者NevilleThurlbeck,因此他也被牵涉进入案件之中。

    But the email in question was marked for Neville and is said to have implied the News of the World 's chief reporter Neville Thurlbeck was also implicated in malpractices .

  2. 本文作者忒昂是选举服务台的伊洛瓦底杂志首席记者。

    Htet Aung is the chief reporter of the Election Desk at The Irrawaddy .

  3. 詹姆斯拉蒙特(JamesLamont)为FT驻南亚首席记者。

    James Lamont is south Asia bureau chief .

  4. 自1987年起,西蒙在20年间任CBS驻中东首席记者。

    Simon spent 20 years as CBS News ' chief Middle East correspondent beginning in 1987 .

  5. 卡尔森是技术与金融业网站“BusinessInsider”的首席记者,他没在细节上浪费笔墨,也没去思索关于领导力、技术与创新本质之类的宏大主题。

    Mr. Carlson , the chief correspondent for Business Insider , a website that covers technology and finance , doesn 't waste words lingering over details or musing on bigger themes - leadership , technology , the nature of innovation .

  6. 本文作者戴维•皮林是英国《金融时报》驻东京首席记者

    David Pilling is the FT 's Tokyo bureau chief

  7. 汉妮桑德尔是国际金融首席记者。

    Henny sender is chief correspondent , international finance .

  8. 对于《中国日报》驻伦敦首席记者张海洲(音译)来说,最大挑战之一便是社交。

    For Zhang Haizhou , chief London correspondent of China Daily , one of the biggest challenges was to mix socially .

  9. 由于再网络聊天室内粗鲁的言论,路透社开除在本机构工作近20年的分社首席记者。

    Reuters has fired a bureau chief who had worked at the agency for20 years for making a crude remark in an internal online chatroom .

  10. 《琼斯妈妈》杂志的华盛顿站首席记者大卫·科恩,因报道了州长罗姆尼与大选相关赞助者的对话记录而赢得了今年的乔治·波尔卡新闻奖。录音中罗姆尼说47%的美国人都将自己看作受害者。

    Mother Jones 's Washington bureau chief , David Corn is winning this year George Polk Awards for political reporting for his story of seral pieces recording of governor Romney telling supporters that close to event that 47 percent of Americans see themselves as victims .

  11. SANJAYGUPTA,CNN首席医疗记者:确实是这样。


  12. CNN首席商业记者克里斯汀·罗曼斯:哦,债务上限,华盛顿永恒的食物战。

    CHRISTINE ROMANS , CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT : oh , the debt ceiling , the eternal Washington food fight .

  13. CNN首席医疗记者SanjayGupta带我们详细了解一下。

    CNN 's chief medical correspondent , Dr. Sanjay Gupta joining us for a closer look .

  14. 与BBC首席商业记者LindaYueh共事的三名记者,受到了警方的问询。

    Three journalists , working with the BBC 's chief business correspondent Linda Yueh , were questioned by police .

  15. CNN首席医疗记者SanjayGupta为我们带来一项最新研究的结果。

    CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta joining us now with the results of this new study .

  16. 在过去几周内,我与CNN的桑杰·古普塔坐下来谈了这一问题,他是我们谈论流感的首席医疗记者。

    A couple of weeks , I sat down with CNN 's Dr.Sanjay Gupta , he is our chief medical correspondent to talk about the flu .

  17. 我们的首席医疗记者SanjayGupta为我们分析一下。

    Our chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta is here to break it all down for us .

  18. DR.SANJAYGUPTA,CNN首席医疗记者:你知道,其中一些变革会很快生效。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : Well , you know , some of those changes are going to come about quickly .

  19. 马克思·克莱因(MaxKlein)是《中国来鸿》栏目组的前任调查员,现任首席篮球记者。他说,林书豪突然地成功仍在中国球迷中被热烈探讨着。

    Max Klein , a former researcher for the Letter from China , and now chief basketball correspondent , says local fans are still trying to make sense of Lin 's abrupt success .

  20. 北京时间今早9时开始,美国总统奥巴马和共和党候选人罗姆尼纽在约州霍夫斯特拉大学举行的第二场总统候选人辩论中再次交锋,今日90分钟的辩论将由CNN首席政治记者坎迪-克罗利主持。

    President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney met in Hempstead , New York Tuesday evening for the second of three presidential debates , moderated by CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley .

  21. 最近,我和CNN主播,首席商业记者AliVelshi探讨了关于节约的问题,例如,什么时候,哪些地方,节约多少等等问题。

    Recently , I talked with CNN anchor and chief business correspondent Ali Velshi about your questions on saving ; when , where , how much , things like that .

  22. 这种强烈的好奇心——更不必说这种互动——同之前他把照片传到Instagram上时颇为类似。不仅是最近访问朝鲜时,在过去担任美联社(AssociatedPress)亚洲首席摄影记者一职时,他也会在Instagram上发布照片。

    That intense curiosity - not to mention engagement - was similar to when he had posted images to Instagram , not only during his recent visit , but also dating back to his tenure as The Associated Press 's chief Asia photographer .

  23. SANJAYGUPTA,CNN首席医疗记者:你知道,这非常有趣,因为你不知道什么原因导致她的大脑额叶萎缩,或枯萎,或者一出生就没有。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : You know , it 's interesting , because you don 't know exactly what caused her frontal lobes of her brain to atrophy or sort of away or was she simply born without them .

  24. 他是我们的首席医疗记者,他会从专业角度谈论流感。

    he is our chief medical correspondent to talk about the flu .

  25. 是《先驱报》首位成为首席政治记者的女性

    was the first woman at the herald to become chief political correspondent ,

  26. 之后,先后在路透社任助理编辑、摄影记者、新闻图片副主编、首席摄影记者,工作地点包括香港、伦敦、新加坡、北京等代表处。

    He subsequently worked for Reuters as sub-editor , photographer , deputy news pictures editor and chief photographer at different bureaux including Hong Kong , London , Singapore and Beijing .

  27. 据悉,这张照片配以标题为《戴妃的50岁》的稿子在杂志上刊登,创意是《新闻周刊》首席编辑英国记者TinaBrown的杰作。

    The article-entitled Diana at50-is written by British journalist , Tina Brown , editor-in-chief of Newsweek .

  28. 他的妻子安德莉亚米切尔(AndreaMitchell)是NBC电视台的首席外交事务记者,按照他的描述,她是一个外向而善交际的人,与他偏内向的性格形成了很好的互补。

    He is married to Andrea Mitchell , chief foreign affairs correspondent for NBC television , who by his account is outgoing and sociable and a good foil to his more reserved character .

  29. 到全球广播公司新闻台(NBCNews)首席外交事务记者安德莉亚?米切尔(AndreaMitchell)身穿黑色豹纹风衣、在晚间新闻播报叙利亚危机时,整个时尚潮流算是尘埃落定:动物斑纹装登上了头条新闻。

    By the time Andrea Mitchell , NBC News " chief foreign affairs correspondent , wore a black leopard print trench while delivering her nightly report on the Syrian crisis the trend was official : animal spots are big news .

  30. 选举委员会的首席官员纳杰菲向记者宣布了选票统计结果。

    Chief Electoral Officer Daoud Ali Najafi informed reporters of the vote totals .