
  • 【航天】head area, up range
  1. 长江三峡工程库首区InSAR测量的初步研究

    InSAR investigation in the early stage of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River

  2. 按照上述思想与原理,在坝区和库首区各布设了4口井,井深为100~200m,均揭露出封闭性较好的承压含水层(带)。

    According to the afore mentioned considerations , 4 wells are drilled at the dam site and 4 wells at the head of the Three Gorges Reservoir . The depths of the wells are between 100 ~ 200m , and all the wells expose well enclosed confined aquifer .

  3. 三峡库首区地壳垂直变形的模型研究

    Crustal vertical deformation models in the front area of Sanxia reservoir

  4. 土地利用变化存在明显的区域差异,以库首区变化最大。

    ( c ) There are obvious spatial differences in land use changes .

  5. 希腊正教安提阿与全东方牧首区

    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East

  6. 三峡工程库首区地震监测

    Earthquake monitoring in reservior head region of TGP

  7. 长江三峡工程库首区重力场变化与构造活动

    Changes of gravity field and tectonic activity in front region of the Three-Gorges Project

  8. 三峡库首区重复重力资料的小波分解与构造活动

    Wavelet decomposition of repeated gravity data and tectonic activities in front area of Three Gorges Reservoir

  9. 三峡库首区土地利用/土地覆被变化的时空特征及成因分析

    Land Use / Land Cover Change and Driving Forces Analysis Lower Area of Three Gorges Reservoir

  10. 长江三峡工程库首区诱发地震危险性研究

    Study on risk of induced earthquake in reservoir head region of Three Gorges projection on Yangtze River

  11. 耶路撒冷希腊正教牧首区

    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

  12. 三峡库首区重点断裂围限区蓄水的加卸载效应

    Loading and unloading effect of Three Gorges reservoir impounding on area defined by main faults of head area

  13. 长江三峡库首区地壳表层工程地质环境演化的探讨

    A Discussion on the Engineering Geology Environment Evolution of Surface Crust of the Three Gorges Project Aera of Yangtze River

  14. 三峡库首区蓄水前后构造应力场三维数值模拟研究

    Study on Numerical Simulation of tectonic stress field before and after reservoir impounding in the head area of the Three Gorges

  15. 长江三峡工程库首区地壳稳定性模糊数学综合评价

    Assessment on crustal stability in the dam area of the Three Gorges Projects ( tgp ) on the Yangtze River Using Fuzzy Mathematics

  16. 南水北调中线工程渠首区位于河南省南阳市。

    The channel origin of the medium route project of water transfer from south to north locates the Nanyang City in Henan province .

  17. 预测了三峡库首区中长期降雨和土地利用变化条件下滑坡危险性和灾害风险的变化情况及趋势。

    The thesis predicts the Three Gorges Reservior head region mid-and-long term landslide hazard and risk change and trend under the condition of rainfall and land use changes .

  18. 三峡库区滑坡灾害与地质环境关系分析长江三峡库首区地壳表层工程地质环境演化的探讨

    Analysis on relationship between landslides and geo-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir area A Discussion on the Engineering Geology Environment Evolution of Surface Crust of the Three Gorges Project Aera of Yangtze River

  19. 三峡水库蓄水对库首区孕震环境影响有多大,是否需要对潜在震源的划分方案及现行地震危险性分析方法做出调整、改进,是一个亟待解决的问题。

    It is a problem that to what extent the seismogenic environment will be affected by reservoir impounding and whether the delimiting scheme of potential focus and the seismic risk analysis should be adjusted .

  20. 迄今为止,长江三峡库首区蓄水对上地壳构造应力场影响的数值模拟研究中存在的最大问题是未考虑地形“峡谷效应”和库水下渗导致“岩石弱化”的影响。

    The main problem on simulation of tectonic stress field after reservoir impounding in the head area of the Three Gorges is the influence of " canyon effect " and " rock soften " .

  21. 易损性分析结果表明三峡库首区内的人口、建筑物、生命线工程和土地资源等承灾体的易损性高,并且高易损性的承灾体主要集中在滑坡高危险性区内。

    The vulnerability analysis results show that the population , buildings , lifeline engineering and land resources in the Three Gorges Reservior head region are high vulnerability . And the high vulnerability of elements at risk mainly focuses in the high hazard landslide area .

  22. 1号成分点位于透辉石首晶区,其样品(1-6、1-8、1-7)中透辉石枝晶为主,枝晶为羽毛状或树枝状,主干两侧有规则分枝,有的分枝还有次级分枝;

    The morphologies of diopside dentrites of sample 1-6,1-8,1-7 are feather-like or branch-like , first branches regularly assembling side of the main branch , some present secondary branches ;

  23. 1979年5月,中国官员带领一队到访的美国商人前往距离香港不远的一块尚待开发的地区,官员们指着地平线,用手比划中国计划允许建立首个经济区的地方。

    In May 1979 , Chinese officials brought a group of visiting American businessmen to an undeveloped area in China near Hong Kong . The officials gestured out over the horizon to where China was planning to allow its first economic zone . '

  24. 月来港设立其首个位于亚洲区的联合区域办事处。

    Have just established in Hong Kong in September this year their first joint regional office in asia .

  25. 黄河首曲湿地功能区黑土滩退化草甸恢复改良

    Restoration and improvement of " black soil beach " degraded meadows in Maqu wetland function area of Yellow River

  26. 2013年,中国首个自由贸易区在上海成立,一年后广东、天津和福建也相继建立自由贸易区。

    China 's first Free Trade Zone opened in Shanghai in 2013 , followed by those in Guangdong , Tianjin and Fujian a year later .

  27. 本研究利用边界元法求解了悬板分层式引水渠首的悬板区过流问题。

    Boundary element method to calculate the free surface flow over the plate region of the hanged-plate two storied intake work is presented in this paper .

  28. 《水污染管制条例》随着一九八七年宣布设立首个水质管制区而生效,其后适用范围逐步扩大,以至包罗全港水域。

    The water pollution control ordinance , which started with the first effective water control zone in1987 , has been gradually extended to cover all Hong Kong waters .