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  1. 驯鹿最有可能是因1823年的一首题为《圣诞前夕》(TheNightBeforeChristmas)的诗,而披上有魔力的外衣、走进圣诞传说当中的。

    Most likely these magical deer made it into festive lore because of the 1823 poem titled The Night Before Christmas .

  2. 2012年,以色列禁止格拉斯访问该国,因为此前他发表了一首题为《必须说点什么》(WhatMustBeSaid)的诗,并在其中暗示以色列的核武库对伊朗构成了威胁。

    In 2012 , Grass was banned from visiting the country after publishing a poem called " What Must Be Said , " in which he ­ suggested that Israel 's nuclear ­ arsenal was a threat to Iran .

  3. 那是一首题为“我们地久天长”的古典小诗。

    It was a classic piece called forever is for us .

  4. 她读了一首题为《苹果树》的诗。

    She read a poem entitled'the apple tree ' .

  5. 他朗诵一首题为《盐》的诗。

    He read a poem entitled salt .

  6. 蒂莉在纪念海啸遇难者的一个烛光守夜仪式上朗诵了一首题为《海啸》的泰国诗歌。

    Tilly read a Thai poem entitled Tsunami at a candle-light vigil to commemorate victims of the disaster .

  7. 最近我的一首题为〈鸟笼〉的诗被台北一个大学选入该校中文系的《国文选》。

    Recently , one of my poems , Bird Cage , was included in a Chinese Literature textbook used by a university in Taipei .

  8. 天亮时,当凯伊看到美国国旗仍飘扬在城堡上空的时候,突然灵感勃发,写下了一首题为《星光闪耀的旗帜》的诗作。

    At sunrise , seeing the American flag still flying over the fort , Key was inspired to write the poem known as " The Star-Spangled Banner " .

  9. 听力部分是高考英语试卷首项测试大题,在英语学科考试中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Listening is the first section of the English examination in the college entrance exam , which is very important .