
shǒu háng suō jìn
  • indent
  1. 样式表提供了对字体大小以及样式、扉页留白,段落前后的空格,首行缩进,对齐以及其他很多细节信息的丰富控制。

    Style sheets provide rich control over the size and style of a font , the margins , space before and after a paragraph , the first line indent , justification and many other details .

  2. 用首行缩进替换了段首空格。

    Replaced leading whitespace to first line indent .

  3. 您可以设置新行,您可以处理首行缩进,您可以控制输出文件的各个方面。

    You can set newlines , you can deal with indentation , you can control almost every aspect of the output file .