
shǒu xiàng
  • first term;leader;opener
首项 [shǒu xiàng]
  • [opener] 多样节目单(如杂耍表演)中的第一项,或一系列中的第一项

首项[shǒu xiàng]
  1. 括号中的首项为DC项,与DC光谱相对应;括号中的第二项表示反射器的位置及其复共轭。

    The first term in the parenthesis is the DC term , and corresponds to the DC spectrum , and the second term in the parenthesis represents the location of the reflector and its complex conjugate .

  2. 奥巴马,47岁,来自伊利诺斯洲的首项参议员,已经在大选当晚提前几小时前很明显的赢得了选举胜利。

    Obama , a47-year-old first term senator from Illinois , became a clear winner even in the early hours of the much-publicized Election Night when U.

  3. 我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。

    Our first task is to set up a communications system .

  4. 我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。

    Our first task will be to set up a communications system .

  5. 特别地,若R还是连通的,则f的首项系数是单位。

    Moreover , if R is connected , then the leading coefficient of / is a unit .

  6. Republic已经运营了约一年时间,但其首项业务存在几大缺陷。

    Republic has been in business about a year , but its first offering had several drawbacks .

  7. 电动汽车基础设施制造商BetterPlace日前宣布了与中国汽车制造商签订的首项协议,中国有潜力成为未来电池驱动型汽车的最大市场。

    Better Place , the electric car infrastructure company , announced its first deal with a carmaker in China , potentially the biggest future market for battery-powered cars .

  8. 讨论带Lp首项系数的散度形式二阶椭圆型微分方程的弱解的存在性,并给出了一些例子。

    The existence of the weak solution of elliptic differential equations of second order with Lp coefficients is discussed .

  9. 首项系数变号的Sturm-Liouville问题的特征值不等式

    Inequalities for Eigenvalues for Sturm-Liouville Problems with Change Sign Leading Coefficient

  10. 结果表明,内域解渐近级数的首项正是熟知的Kirchhoff板理论解。

    It is shown that the leading term of interior asymptotic solutions is exactly the solution of Kirchhoff plate theory .

  11. 首项系数函数为正时Sturm-Liouville问题特征值间不等式的另一种证法

    Another Solution of the Inequalities among Eigenvalues for Sturm-Liouville Problems with Positive Leading Coefficient Function

  12. 提出正交异性板的三维高阶渐近分析,其内部区域各阶渐近解为各级精度的二维板理论解,首项与著名的Kirchhoff板理论一致;

    A higher order asymptotic analysis for orthotropic plates was presented with the leading order interior solutions reduced to the well known Kirchhoff plate theory ;

  13. 中端市场也同样活跃:过去10天里,巴克莱私人股本投资公司(barclaysprivateequity)完成了三项投资,而百仕通(blackstone)则刚刚达成了针对中国房地产市场的首项重大投资。

    Mid-market is similarly active : Barclays private equity completed three investments in the past 10 days and Blackstone has just agreed a deal to make its first significant investment in the Chinese property market .

  14. 这是首项研究不同内镜检查对于减少结直肠癌(CRC)死亡率有效性的随机对照试验(RCT)。

    This is the first randomized controlled trial ( RCT ) to test the effectiveness of any form of endoscopic screening to reduce mortality from colorectal cancer ( CRC ) .

  15. 此次裁员是公司的新首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(SatyaNadella)的首项重大变革举措。他表示,微软需要变得更为灵活而专注。

    The cuts are the first major change made by Satya Nadella , the company 's new chief executive , who said Microsoft needed to be more nimble and focused .

  16. 如果中国石油天然气集团公司(cnpc)开发阿赫代布油田(al-ahdab)的交易最终达成,将成为伊拉克1972年实施石油工业国有化以来,外国公司对其做出的首项重要承诺。

    If finalised , the deal with China National Petroleum Co to develop the al-ahdab field would mark the first important commitment to Iraq by a foreign company since the country nationalised its industry in 1972 .

  17. 我们研究了一类四阶对称微分算子的下方无界性,如果一个四阶对称微分算子的首项系数在一个正的Lebesgue测度集上是非负的,则其最小算子是下方无界的。

    It is proved that if the leading coefficient in a four-order symmetrical differential expression is negative on a set with positive Lebesgue measure , then the minimal operator ( and hence any self-adjoint realization of the four-order symmetrical differential expression ) is unbounded below .

  18. 这是该委员会呼吁开展的首项改革。

    This is the first reform called for by the Commission .

  19. 首项近似法的误差及使用条件的分析

    Error of Leading Approximation Progress and Analysis of Its Use Conditions

  20. 把埃塞俄比亚原文转换成英文字母是他们的首项任务。

    Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task .

  21. 2010年,本届政府发布了首项全面的《防治艾滋病病毒/艾滋病国家战略》。

    My Administration released the first comprehensive National HIV / AIDS Strategy in 2010 .

  22. 新加坡展开了全球首项无人驾驶出租车的公开测试。

    Singapore has launched the world 's first public trial of a robo-taxi service .

  23. 我们当天的首项任务就是观察一群黑猩猩是如何醒来的。

    Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day .

  24. 达德利老师的首项挑战是如何让洛蕾塔开始做功课。

    Miss Dudley 's first challenge will be how to get Loretta to start doing homework .

  25. 首项任务的筹备工作已于年底完成。

    On the former , the preparatory work was completed by the end of the year .

  26. 本文构造了一个求首项系数为1,而其余系数均为相等负实数的多项式方程的最大正实根μ的迭代公式。

    In this paper , an iteration formula used for computing the positive root of polynomial equations has been construct-ed.

  27. 之所以选择黄金合约作为首项产品,是因为香港是全球最大的黄金现货市场之一。

    Gold was chosen as the debut contract because Hong Kong is one of the biggest physical gold markets .

  28. 通过研究,也发现此插值公式的误差一部分来源于公式的首项。

    It is also found that some of the errors come from the first item of the interpolation formula .

  29. 首项生物工艺学专利被授给一种虫子,这种虫子可用来'消化'原油。

    The first biotechnology patent was awarded for a bug that could be persuaded to " digest " crude oil .

  30. 警队引进的电子燃油管理系统,是政府首项采用的电脑化加油设备。

    The Force has introduced an Electronic Fuel Management System , the first computerized fuelling mechanism adopted by the government .