
gōng chuí xiàn
  • common perpendicular
公垂线[gōng chuí xiàn]
  1. 算画结合,确定两异面直线公垂线的垂足位置

    Combining Calculation with Drawing to Define the Foot Position of Common Perpendicular of Lines on Different Planes

  2. 异面二直线公垂线的求解及其应用

    Solution of Common Vertical Line of Two Crossover Line and Practical Application

  3. 本文介绍一种用于经纬仪实时确定目标瞬时位置的异面交会计算方法,即利用空间两异面光轴公垂线估计交会点坐标。

    A non-plane intersection method used for calculating the real-time simultaneous position of object with theodolite is presented , namely it estimates intersecting point by means of optical axis public vertical line of two differ - ent planes in space .

  4. 通过理论分析与实践,探讨了具有同一公垂线的几条异面直线间夹角的测量方法,提出了一种简便测量真空断路器操作轴拐臂夹角的思路。

    Through theoretical analysis and practice , the measurement of included angles of several straight lines that belong to common vertical line on different planes is discussed . A new convenient method of measuring included angle of inflective arm on operating shaft of vacuum circuit breaker is presented .