
  • 网络Public Key Algorithm;public-key algorithm
  1. 作者主要介绍一种基于“陷门收缩”原理的公钥算法,给出了私有密钥的构造方法,并对密码长度、保密强度进行了分析。

    This paper primarily introduces a kind of public key algorithm based on the principle of " Trap Knapsack ", and gives the construction method of the private key , and analyses cipher length 、 secrecy intensity .

  2. 我们使用公钥算法来解决这个问题,其中客户机可以使用一个自由获取的公钥对自己的密钥进行加密,而只有服务器才可以对这个密钥进行解密。

    A public key algorithm , in which the client can encrypt the single key using a freely available public key and only the server can decrypt the single secure key , is used to resolve this problem .

  3. 基于hash函数和公钥算法的一次性口令方案

    One-time password scheme based on hash function and public key encryption

  4. 智能卡上的常用公钥算法为RSA和ECC算法。

    RSA and ECC are two public-key algorithms generally used on smart card .

  5. 结合RSA公钥算法和超混沌加密信号两者的优缺点,提出了一种基于RSA算法和超混沌的复合加密方案。

    A complex encryption scheme is presented by combining the characteristics of RSA algorithm and that of hyperchaos .

  6. 而用公钥算法中的RSA对3DES密钥进行加密。

    And keys of 3DES are encrypted by RSA public-key algorithm .

  7. 公钥算法、RSA算法、数字签名、数字证书和CA等作为安全基础技术被分析研究。

    Some basic technologies , including public key algorithms , RSA , digital signature , digital certificates and CA , are researched .

  8. RSA算法是一种既能用于数据加密也能用于数字签名的公钥算法,具有较高的安全性。

    RSA algorithm is a sort of public-key cipher algorithm with high security is used in both data encryption and digital signature .

  9. 大多数公钥算法,包括RSA和ECDSA,可以容易地扩展以支持数字签名。

    Most public key algorithms , including RSA and ECDSA , can be easily extended to support digital signatures .

  10. 通过公钥算法、数字证书和相关加密算法,PKI为网络应用提供了一个安全平台。

    Using public-key algorithms , digital certificates , and other related cryptography technologies , PKI could provide a secure platform for network applications above a insecure network environment .

  11. 文章介绍了分布式网络中的Kerberos安全认证体系的安全认证理论、数据的完整性和保密性。并对Kerberos安全认证体系的内在缺陷进行了分析,提出了利用RSA公钥算法对之进行优化的方法。

    The article introduces the Kerberos authentication theory and its limitation in the distributed network , and how to use RSA public-key cipher to optimize the Kerberos protocol .

  12. CPK算法是基于标识的公钥算法,同时解决规模化和直接认证两大课题。

    CPK algorithm is based on identity and the public key algorithm , which solves the key topics of scale and direct authentication .

  13. 基于密码学的认证协议包括基于对称密钥算法的身份认证、Kerberos认证协议、公钥算法的身份认证以及基于哈希链技术的身份认证。

    The authentication protocol based on cipher includes authentication based on symmetric private key , Kerberos , authentication based on public key and authentication based on hash chain .

  14. 同时本文在水印的生成阶段还用到了公钥算法RSA非对称加密技术,充分保证了水印的安全性,防止未经授权的检测与嵌入。

    At the same time , in the watermark generation phase also uses the RSA asymmetric encryption technology , sufficient to ensure the security of watermark to prevent unauthorized detection and embedding .

  15. 提出了一个基于LUC公钥算法的一般访问结构上的秘密共享方案。

    Based on the LUC public-key algorithm , a new secret sharing scheme with general access structures is pro - posed in this paper .

  16. 现存的PKI体系大多是基于RSA公钥算法实现的,RSA公钥算法是基于数学中的大整数分解难题提出的,其计算过程非常复杂,计算速度慢。

    Existed PKI systems are mostly based on the RSA algorithm , and the RSA algorithm is proposed based on the mathematics of large integer decomposition problems . The process of calculation is very complicated and slow .

  17. 通过分析典型的混沌映射环面自同构的周期,利用传统公钥算法RSA的架构,设计了一种基于环面自同构的公钥加密算法。

    Through analysing the period of torus automorphisms which is a prototype of chaotic map , and making use of the framework of the traditional public-key algorithm RSA , the authors propose a chaotic public-key encryption algorithm based on torus automorphisms .

  18. 将ECC公钥算法和高级加密标准AES私钥算法有机结合,解决了密码体制中速度和安全性不能兼顾的问题,并进一步讨论了ECC的实现速度和安全性问题。

    Both ECC public key arithmetic and advanced encrypt standard one are adopted to solve the question which cryptosystem can 't always advance speed and security at the same time , and both realizing-speed and security of ECC are also discussed .

  19. 一种基于格快速公钥算法的分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of a Fast Public-key-cipher Algorithm Based on Lattice

  20. 一种公钥算法密码卡的实现技术

    An Implementing Technology for the Encrypt Card of Public Key Algorithm

  21. 基于“陷门渐缩”原理的公钥算法

    Pubic Key Algorithm Based on a Principle of Trap Knapsack

  22. 本文在公钥算法的基础上提出了一种基于数字证书的信息门户用户单一登录的实现方法。

    This article presents a Certificate-Based Single Sign on solution in Information Portal .

  23. 两种快速高效公钥算法

    Two fast and efficient public - key algorithms

  24. 基于陷门收缩原理的公钥算法

    A Kind of Public Key Algorithm Based on the Principle of " Trap Knapsack "

  25. 通过比较与分析,给出了私钥算法与公钥算法各自的优缺点。

    It gives out advantages and disadvantages of private-key algorithm and public-key algorithm through comparison and analysis .

  26. 文章首先介绍了网络安全基本问题、常见的网络安全技术、密码学的基本概念和和几个著名的公钥算法;

    At first , the basic problem of network security , some network secure technology , cryptology and some famous public key algorithms are discussed in the thesis .

  27. 最后设计一个安全电子邮件传输系统,利用组合公钥算法生成用户公/私钥,实现密钥的规模化;

    At last , author designs a secure electronic mail system which using Combined Public Key ( CPK ) arithmetic to generate user 's public key and private key .

  28. 提出了基于公钥算法的全局广播通信安全协议和基于单向密钥链的局部广播通信安全协议,实现了广播通信的可靠性认证,并具有完整性和时效性。

    Global broadcast authentication based on public key algorithm and local broadcast authentication based on one-way key chain are proposed respectively , as a conclusion , reliability , integrity , and freshness of broadcast were acquired effectively .

  29. 研究了环面自同构及其周期性,并结合文献[26]提出的基于环面自同构的公钥算法,并且设计了新的基于环面自同构的公钥算法,分析了此类算法的安全性。

    Have study Torus Automorphism and its property and periods , and the public-key algorithms based on Torus Automorphism in reference [ 26 ] . And have designed a new public-key algorithm based on Torus Automorphism , and have analysed its security .

  30. 由于在连接建立阶段主要是公钥算法影响性能,而在数据传输阶段主要是加解密操作影响性能,故相应的给出了连接重用和添加硬件加速卡的方法来提高服务器的性能。

    Thinking about those influences of server which brought by public key algorithms in the hand shake phase and encrypted and decrypted operations in the data transmitting phase , this paper gives solutions such as session resumption and providing hardware accelerator to enhance the performance of the server .