
  1. 提倡公共服务行业以普通话为服务用语。

    People working in the service trade are encouraged to use Putonghua when providing services .

  2. 公共服务行业和社会中介组织经营服务性收费不规范问题突出,社会反映较为强烈。

    Public services and social intermediary organizations operating service charge not standard and social reflect relatively strong .

  3. 任何剩余的债务在20年后不用再还,或者如果借贷者进入公共服务行业,则10年后不用再还。

    Any remaining debt will be forgiven after twenty years & or ten if borrowers enter public service .

  4. 毕业生如果债务很少或没有,则比较乐意从事公共服务行业中低报酬职业。

    Students who graduate with little or no debt could more readily pursue low-paying careers in public service .

  5. 电力产业作为我国的一项公共服务行业,关系着全民的经济生活水平。

    Electric power industry is a public service industry , and it relates to the level of economic life .

  6. 为什么我国在2001年甚至通过了一项法律,要求在教育、广播和公共服务行业必须讲普通话。

    Why did China even promulgate a law in2001 , requiring Putonghua to be used in education , broadcasting and public service sectors ?

  7. 真正需要做的是,针对各公共服务行业的具体需求,开展长期的商业管理教育培训。

    What is needed is a long-term business and management education training programme , tailored to the specific needs of each public sector industry .

  8. 首先剔除那些在非营利及公共服务行业工作、或仍为全日制学员的校友的薪资数据。

    To begin with , salary data of alumni in the non-profit and public service sectors , or who are full-time students , are removed .

  9. 以服务城市的公共服务行业设施和学校为依托,它的经济主要集中在纺织业和食品行业。

    Its economy is mainly centred on textile and food industry , with important public utilities and schools serving a large area of central Sardinia .

  10. 在萨科齐总统对药房是“公共服务行业”,而非商业部门的立场尚未做出改变时,法国药商的垄断地位将会仍存。

    But the pharmacists ' monopoly remains & with Mr Sarkozy himself ruling out any change on the ground that pharmacies are not a business but a " public service " .

  11. 二是属于公共服务行业或者自然垄断行业,一般的服务行业如餐饮、浴室不适用强制缔约制度。

    Secondly , it belongs to the public service industry or the natural monopoly industry . And the generic service industry shall not apply to this system , such as dinning , bathroom and so on .

  12. RFID公共服务平台行业数据交换技术的研究

    Research on Industry Data Exchange Technology Based on RFID Public Service Platform

  13. 该事件的发生,反映出经济全球化背景下我国在公共信息服务和行业协会建设等公共管理实践中存在的一些突出问题。

    This event in today ′ s environment of economic globalization highlight some main issues that need to be paid great attention to in public information service and trade association development .

  14. 另一方面,随着移动支付技术在物流、制造、公共信息服务等行业的广泛应用,各种创新所带来成本的节约和效率的提升,为推进社会信息化建设提供了一个重要的机会。

    On the other hand , as with the wide application of mobile payment technologies in the sectors such as of logistics , manufacturing and public information service , the cost reduction and efficiency improvement brought by various innovations provide a good opportunity to advance social informatization construction .

  15. 2007年贡山县公共场所与饮食服务行业从业人员HBV感染检测分析

    Analysis of HBV Infection among Employees in Public Places and Catering Trade in Gongshan County in 2007

  16. RFID应用于制造、物流、公共信息服务等各种行业,可以大幅提高效率,降低成本。

    The application of RFID in manufacturing , logistics , public information services and other industries can significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs .

  17. 广义公共投资是指所有投向于公共基础设施和公共服务行业,向社会提供基础性和公共性商品或服务的投资。

    The public investment of broad sense means all the investment in the public infrastructure and public service profession , which provide fundamental and public merchandises or the investment of the services toward the society .

  18. 县级畜牧兽医管理运行体制是我国县级公共服务体系的一个重要组成部分,与其他公共服务体系既存在行业的特殊性和独立性,又存在共性和关联性。

    County Animal Husbandry and veterinary management system is our country public service system is an important component of the public service system , and the other is the existence of the special nature of the industry and independence , and similarities and relevancy .