
gōng shè
  • postulate;postulation
公设 [gōng shè]
  • [postulate] [逻辑或数学中] 公认为真、因而无需证明其为正确的陈述

公设[gōng shè]
  1. 能量公设与化学势的广义化形式

    The energy postulate and the general form of the chemical potential

  2. 能量公设与自由能判据的普遍化形式

    The energy postulate and general form of the free energy criterion

  3. 一天,有个人拿着一张破席子,登门兜售,对秦士说:“当年,兽哀公设席,赐孔子坐,询问政事。这张正是当年孔子坐过的席子。”

    One day , a man came to his door to peddle3 a worn-out straw mat . He said to the Qin scholar : " In those years , Ai Gong of the State of Lu gave a seat to Confucius to inquire about political affairs . This was the very straw mat on which Confucius had sat. "

  4. 在这种解释成立时,符号x(a,b)要按照这个公设来解释。

    The symbol x ( a , b ) is to be interpreted subject to this postulate , in case such interpretation is possible .

  5. 然而,从事公共服务工作的律师们,比如公设辩护律师或法律援助(LegalAid)律师,虽然赚钱最少,在调查中却更倾向于报告自己生活得挺开心。

    However , lawyers in public-service jobs who made the least money , like public defenders or Legal Aid attorneys , were most likely to report being happy .

  6. JIT运用的基本条件塑性力学中的稳定性公设的热力学原理

    The postulates of JIT using in China thermodynamics and the postulates of stability in plasticity

  7. 基于Drucker公设的双剪准则理论推导

    The Deduction of Double Shearing Yield Criterion Based on Drucker Postulation

  8. 用Drucker公设导出两个经典屈服准则

    The deduction of Mises yield criterion Tresca criterion with Drucker postulation

  9. 采用BAN逻辑对著名的NeedhamSchroeder(NS)协议建立理想化协议模型,利用协议的初始假设和BAN逻辑的公设分析NS协议的安全性。

    BAN logic was used to construct an ideal model of the well known Needham Schroeder protocol .

  10. 关于Drucker公设和塑性本构关系的进一步研究

    Further Study on the Drucker Postulate and Plastic Constitutive Relations

  11. Drucker公设与弹塑性耦合问题

    A Discussion of Elastoplastic Coupling Problem with Drucker 's Postulate of Plasticity

  12. Drucker公设下的凸规划问题

    Convex Programming Subject to Drucker 's Postulate

  13. 尽管如此,Gafvert的公设辩护律师在审讯期间拒不认罪,而Walter却紧张不安还哭了起来。

    The man 's public defender nonetheless entered a not guilty plea during the arraignment , at which Walter fidgeted and cried .

  14. 最后,笔者回顾了学术界近几十年来对阿罗(Arrow)不可能定理的研究,试图放松该定理的公设条件的伦理要求。

    Finally , the article review the research for Arrow 's Impossibility Rule in the latest decades and attempts to untie the ethical restrictions of it .

  15. 司法部为巴尔杰指定的公设辩护人是洛杉矶律师迈拉琼桑(MyraJuneSun)。周四记者无法立即联系桑就此事置评。

    Myra June Sun , a Los Angeles lawyer named by the Justice Department as Mr. Bulger 's public defender , wasn 't immediately available Thursday for comment .

  16. 根据信念修正理论设计了基于总体距离最小的多用户偏好信息的融合算法,该算法满足信念修正理论中带完整性约束的基本公设以及Majority公设。

    Multiple user preferences information merging algorithm based on total distance minimization is designed according to belief revision theory . The algorithm satisfied IC ( Integrity Constraints ) postulates and Majority postulate in belief revision theory .

  17. 成为摄影师之前,萨拉·贝内特(SaraBennett)曾是一名公设辩护律师,因此她觉得自己对于监狱里的生活多少有些了解。

    Before she became a photographer , Sara Bennett was a public defender , so she thought she knew something about life in prison .

  18. 对电话线路上噪声的随机性分析实验表明,话路噪声是Golomb公设下随机的。

    An experiment of line noise analysis shows that the phone line noise is stochastic in Golomb conditions .

  19. Makinson所提出的AGM理论,AGM理论中提出了一组应为所有合理的信念修正模型所满足的公设,即所谓的AGM公设。

    Makinson 's AGM theory is the most well known . The AGM postulates claimed to be satisfied by any rational revision method .

  20. 另一类是理论模型,以Drucker公设和塑性位势理论为基础,由经典塑性力学本构的几个要素(屈服条件、流动法则、硬化规律)组合而成。

    The other is theoretic models , which comprise several elementary factors ( yield condition , flow rule and hardening law ) of classical plastic , and base on Drucker Postulate and the theory of plastic potential .

  21. 首先介绍几种典型的迭代修正方法。并对这些方法进行比较,讨论他们满足AGM公设的情况。

    The main work of this paper can be divided into three parts : ( 1 ) The first part of this paper presents several representative iterative belief revision methods , and compare them to AGM postulates .

  22. 接着以应力空间中的屈服函数和Drucker公设为基础,以材料本构关系的内变量理论为工具,推导并建立了增量型热粘塑性本构关系的普适形式和计算流程。

    In the second part , the universal form and computational routine of the incremental thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relation are established , based on the yield function in stress space and Drucker 's postulate and by means of the internal variables theory .

  23. 公设辩护律师可是律师最难得的经历之一

    Public-defender work is some of the best experience there is .

  24. 我对公设律师说了你教我的话。

    Well , I told the public defender what you said .

  25. 我们曾经听公设辩护人说过多少次了呢?

    How many times have we heard a public defender say that ?

  26. 狭义相对论第二公设是第一公设的必然

    The Second Postulation of Special Theory of Relativity-Necessity of the First One

  27. 欧几里得几何学的公设.我们刚学完立体几何就要学解析几何。

    We will learn analytic geometry after studying solid geometry .

  28. 文中提出了电路理论的两个基本公设和一个假设。

    Two basic postulates and a hypothesis in circuit theory are provided .

  29. 我是美国刑事司法系统的公设辩护律师。

    I am a public defender of the US criminal justice system .

  30. 狭义相对论的公设与变换

    Axioms and transformations in the special theory ot relativity