
duì rì zhào
  • To sunlight;gegenschein;counterglow;zodiacal counterglow
对日照[duì rì zhào]
  1. 在夜晚,这种光线就被称为对日照(德文的意思为“反辉”),人们在非常黑暗的天空中看到一种昏暗的辉光。

    At night this glow is known as the gegenschein ( German for " counter glow "), and can be seen as a faint glow in an extremely dark sky .

  2. 本文利用ANSYS对日照海纳集团四层框架结构综合办公楼轻钢加层改造项目进行了分析。

    In this thesis adding-stories reconstruction project of a four-storey frame structure office building is analyzed with ANSYS software .

  3. 方法对日照市的农村居民、城市居民、政府官员、宾馆服务人员等四类人群进行AIDS知识与态度的问卷调查。

    Method Self-designed questionnaires were used to investigate HIV / AIDS related knowledge and attitude among rural and urban residents , hotel attendants and government officers .

  4. 院子四周挑檐的存在,对日照起到一定的遮挡作用。

    Eaves surrounded yard plays a certain role in blocking sunshine .

  5. 探测环境变化对日照记录的影响分析

    Influence of the Acquisition Environment Change on the Sunshine Recorder

  6. 乌鲁木齐及昌吉两城市发展对日照时数的影响分析

    Impact of urbanization on sunshine hour in Urumqi-Changji Area

  7. 第五部分对日照临港产业集群的发展进行实证研究。

    The fifth part is demonstration research on development of port-neighboring industry clusters of Rizhao City .

  8. 第四章主要是对日照建材物流园区项目进行风险评价。

    The fourth chapter mainly evaluates the risk of the building materials logistics park project in Rizhao .

  9. 传统中仅仅对日照间距和景观视线作为规划的指标,而对节能设计考虑甚少。

    Tradition only sunshine spacing and landscape view as a planning indicator , while the little energy-saving design considerations .

  10. 这些现象表明,莲花的不同遗传类型之间,存在着对日照和温度的不同反应。

    These phenomena show that there are different responses to the sunlight and the temperature among genotypes of lotus .

  11. 结束了青岛的游玩,我们又怀着对日照的憧憬驱车赶赴那里。

    Qingdao , the end of the play , we look forward to the sunshine with a drive to rush there .

  12. 本文对日照电厂工程项目融资形式、主要设备特点及技术改造情况进行了介绍,重点阐述了该工程首次采用无政府担保的有限追索项目融资的方式所作的有益探索和创新。

    This paper has introduced the engineering project financing , traits of main facilities and complexion of technic alteration in the Rizhao Power Plant .

  13. 本文通过对日照港以北黄、渤海沿岸18个港湾8~27年假潮资料的分析,给出了不同区域港湾的假潮状况和成因。

    In this paper , 8-27 years seiche data in 18 harbors along Yellow Sea-Bohai Sea to the north of Rizhao Harbor are analyzed .

  14. 第四章重点研究了民俗旅游开发对日照市及其居民的经济影响、社会文化影响和环境影响。

    The fourth chapter focuses on the development of folklore tourism in Rizhao City and its economic impact , residents social cultural and environmental impact .

  15. 语音系统首先探讨日照市的方言概况,归纳日照市的声韵调系统,并对日照市内部各区县的方言异同做了比较。

    First the writer will study the survey dialects , induce the phonetic system and make comparison of the similarities and differences among the dialects of Rizhao districts .

  16. 这不仅对日照方言词汇的研究具有重要的推动作用,而且对于汉语方言词汇研究的深化和汉语方言词汇调查的细化也有重要的促进意义。

    The research process not only is useful for the vocabulary study of Rizhao dialect , but also is of great value for the minute studies and investigation of Chinese dialect vocabulary .

  17. 第二部分依据第一部分理论主要对日照市旅游产品开发条件进行详细分析与综合评价。

    The second part of the basis of the first part of the main theories of Rizhao City Tourism Product Development to conduct a detailed analysis of the conditions and comprehensive evaluation .

  18. 本文对日照市路边饭店的580名饮食从业人员的卫生知识水平与不同性别、年龄、工种(职务)、从业年限、文化程度及知识培训的关系进行了调查。

    This article analyses the relationship between the hygienic knowledge level with the sex , age , duty , length of service , educational level and knowledge training in 580 staffs of road side restaurant workers .

  19. 为给政府、规划、设计部门决策提供参考,采用组合分布法对日照地区风暴潮增水的重现值进行了计算。

    In order to provide decision-making reference for governmental departments , and planning and design departments , the Combined Distribution Method is utilized to calculate the return values of storm surge elevation in the Rizhao area .

  20. 第四部分通过分析城市日照市开发区土地利用总体现状,依据规程理论对日照市开发区土地集约利用进行总体评价和潜力预测。

    Part IV development zone , Rizhao city , analysis of urban land use overall current situation , based on a point of order theory of Rizhao city land intensive use of the overall evaluation and potential forecast .

  21. 希望本文能引广大民众和艺术爱好者对日照农民画更多的关注,让人们更加深入的认识和了解日照农民画,最终使日照农民画这一民间艺术得以更广泛地传播和推广。

    It also aims at attracting more concerns from art lovers and general public on Rizhao peasant painting and makes them understand this charming folk art more deeply and comprehensively , and eventually draws it to a wider dissemination and promotion .

  22. 在此基础上,通过对日照港口经济系统优化的约束条件和优化目标的研究,提出日照港口经济系统优化的模式设计和日照港口经济系统核心竞争力的提升途径。

    Thus , it puts forward the mode design of the optimization of Rizhao port economic system and the way of promoting its core competence , according to the study on the constraint conditions and the optimizing objective of the economic system .

  23. 基于对日照港口经济系统的实证研究,本文提出了保障日照港口经济系统优化的政策建议,以期实现日照港口经济系统的可持续发展与核心竞争力的提高。

    Based on the empirical study on the Rizhao port economic system , the dissertation gives some institutional suggestions of ensuring the optimization of Rizhao port economics system so as to bring about its sustainable development and the enhancement of its core competence .

  24. 采用水动力学三维数学模型对日照港煤码头水域的水动力因素进行了计算,并在此基础上对煤码头浚深工程实施后港池和航道回淤进行了计算分析。

    On the basis of using a 3 D hydrodynamic mathematical model to calculate the hydrodynamic characteristics , an analysis and computation of deposition after dredging the channel and port pool are given for the coal wharf of Rizhao Harbor in this paper .

  25. 第三部分主要通过国内旅游市场分析和国外旅游市场分析对日照的旅游市场进行综合分析,通过准确的实时数据对人口及经济因素进行了详细地分析,介绍日照旅游的市场现状。

    The third part mainly through domestic tourism market and foreign tourism market analysis of sunshine on a comprehensive analysis of the tourism market through accurate real-time data on population and economic factors were analyzed in detail , introduced the sunshine tourism market status quo .

  26. 摘要介绍日照市和日照港的现状,探讨在日照市进行区港联动的途径,对日照港发展港口现代物流提出了10项建议。

    Based on the analysis of the present situation of Rizhao City and Rizhao port , this paper discusses the way of integration of free trade zone and port in Rizhao city , and proposes 10 suggestions for development of modern logistics in Rizhao port .

  27. 为了对棚内日照断面进行采集,设计了基于可编程片上系统的TRAC日照断面采集系统。

    We design TRAC sunlight collection system which based on the programmable chip to capture sunshine cross section .

  28. 对建筑日照计算中采样时间间隔参数问题的探讨

    Discussions on the Sampling Time Interval in Sunshine Computation of Buildings

  29. 象草不同株系对短日照的敏感性及种间杂交研究

    Sensitivity to short day of different strains and inter-specific cross research of Pennisetum purpureum

  30. 建筑屋顶对建筑日照的影响主要是其对周边建筑的影响,选择正确的坡度对于有坡屋顶的住宅建筑是十分重要的。

    It is very important to design a right gradient roof , as the roof can influence the sunlight environment around the building .