
  • 网络convection coefficient
  1. 发现热扩散对温度场影响不大,热对流系数取0.03N/sec/mm/℃时与试验结果误差最小。

    We find that thermal diffusion has little effect on the temperature field and when the heat convection coefficient is 0.03N/sec/mm / ℃, the test results error is the minimum . 2 .

  2. 通过迭代计算算出空心电抗器各个表面的对流系数,把计算出的对流系数和辐射率作为各个表面的边界条件,利用有限元法算出空心电抗器的温度场分布。

    The convection coefficient of each surface has been computed through iterative calculation . Taking the convection coefficient and emissivity as boundary conditions , the temperature distribution of the reactor has been analyzed using the finite element method .

  3. 默认值代表的是自由空气的对流系数。

    The default values represent free air convection .

  4. 通过对平板堆焊实例温度场的有限元分析,成功得出了焊接有效半径、焊接速度以及对流系数对焊接温度场的影响,为中厚板多道焊模拟过程中相关参数的选择提供了参考依据;

    In order to know the welding effective radius , welding speed and convective heat-transfer coefficient how to affect temperature fields in the butt-welding , the paper utilized bead-on-plane welding .

  5. 通过数值求解方程组研究了前向、后向和双向抽运方式下,抽运功率、对流系数、光纤长度和斯托克斯频率偏移对受激布里渊散射增益的影响。

    The influence of pump powers , convective coefficient , fiber lengths , and detuning of the Stokes frequency from exact SBS resonance on SBS gain ( G ) is studied under unidirectional and bi-directional end pumps .

  6. 通过模拟结果的分析可知,考虑壁面滑移影响和采用局部热对流系数能够较好的反映温度变化、流道表面粗糙度和熔体弹性等因素对微小熔体充模流动行为的影响。

    Through analyzing the simulation results , can know that , considering wall slip effect and adopting local heat transfer coefficient can reflect the effects that is temperature change , surface roughness of flow channel and melt elasticity , etc , to micro melt filling flow behavior .

  7. 建立完备的杂质输运程序,数值模拟碳、氧杂质在欧姆放电时的输运行为,得出了杂质的扩散和对流系数、不同电离态杂质离子密度、辐射功率密度和有效电荷数的空间分布。

    An ideal impurity transport code has been used to simulate impurities ( carbon and oxygen ) behaviour during the OH discharge . The profiles of impurities diffusion and convection coefficient , impurities ion densities in different ionized state , loss power density and effective charge number have been derived .

  8. 然后重分析了LED发热功率和对流交换系数对LED结温的影响。

    We also analyzed the relationship between the junction temperature with LED heat power and the convection coefficient .

  9. 本文分析了其传热机理,提出了一种同时传热传质的模型解释这种系统中特殊的传热特性,用实验数据对对流传热系数h(?)

    A physical model of simultaneous heat and mass transfer was proposed to reveal the mechanism of this particular heat transfer phenomenon .

  10. 通过计算流体力学软件FLUENT对带盘管搅拌釜内的非稳态换热过程进行了数值模拟,得到了搅拌釜内流场、温度场和盘管内外两侧平均对流传热系数。

    The unsteady heat transfer process in a stirred tank equipped with helical coils was investigated by using software FLUENT . The temperature field and the heat transfer coefficient were obtained .

  11. 用修正LM关系式整理了两相强制对流放热系数。

    Two phase forced convection heat transfer coefficients are correlated as function of Lockhart Martinelli parameter .

  12. 传热实验所测定的是池核沸腾的总换热系数,由LDCT测定并以类比原理可以获得对流传热系数,两者差值即为界面汽化热阱效应。

    The total heat transfer coefficient is measured by the heat transfer measurement and the convective heat transfer coefficient is obtained by LDCT .

  13. 基于上述建立的机舱平均对流传热系数和主流温升经验关联式,可以使发动机冷却系统1D模型脱离耦合环境独立运行,为机舱散热研究和冷却系统设备优化提供更加有效、快捷的计算方法。

    Based on average heat transfer coefficient and bulk temperature associated formulas of engine cabin , 1D model of engine cooling system can work independently divorcing from coupling environment . It can provide more effective and efficient method for simulating cooling performance and optimizing equipment in engine cooling system .

  14. 用减压膜蒸馏测定对流传热系数的研究

    Measurement of convective heat transfer coefficient by vacuum membrane distillation

  15. 多孔铝内体积对流传热系数的测量

    Measurement of volumetric convective heat transfer coefficient in porous aluminum

  16. 压力对气体强制对流传热系数的影响

    Effect of Pressure on Air Forced Convection Transmit Heat Coefficient

  17. 二氧化碳在正辛烷、正十四烷中对流扩散系数的测定

    Measurement of convective diffusion coefficients of co_2-normal octane and normal tetradecane system

  18. 化工领域中对流传热系数α的计算

    Determination of Film Coefficients for Convection in Chemical Industry Field

  19. 对流传热系数准数关联式的探讨

    An Approach into Related Formulas of Number of Coefficient of Convection Heat Transfer

  20. 测定对流传热系数的实验装置设计及测定条件选择

    The Experimental Design of Measuring the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient and the Choice of Measuring Conditions

  21. 高频不稳定性使室壁对流传热系数大大增加。

    High frequency instabilities result in grossly increased convective heat transfer coefficients in the chamber walls .

  22. 用硅橡胶板量热计测定了圆筒表面的平均对流传质系数。

    The average mass transfer coefficient around the cylinder surface was also measured with a calorimeter .

  23. 恒速干燥阶段对流传热系数的研究

    Study on the Coefficient of Heat Transfer of Convection in the Stage of Constant Rate of Drying

  24. O2/CO2燃烧方式下锅炉对流传热系数的修正算法和数值研究

    Modified Algorithm and Numerical Study of Boiler Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Under O_2 / CO_2 Combustion Mode

  25. 在气体放电强化传热的作用下对流传热系数获得数倍的增加。

    It has been proved that the convection heat transfer coefficients increased by several times with gas discharges .

  26. 结果表明,提高对流传热系数是提高膜蒸馏热效率和渗透通量的关键。

    It appears that improvement of convective heat transfer is very important for enhancement of flux and heat efficiency .

  27. 在理论推导电抗器温度场分布方面,运用传热学原理和稳态热分布的有限差分法,首先计算了考虑热辐射情况下单包封表面的等效对流传热系数的分布及其表面的温度分布;

    On the basis of the theories of heat transfer and finite difference , reactor 's temperature field distribution was deduced .

  28. 可以大范围地破碎和减簿附面层,从而可大大地提高对流传热系数,而压力损失却增加不多。

    The result is that the convective heat transfer coefficient increases greatly , and increase of pressure loss is not too much .

  29. 文中对比研究了电晕、介质阻挡以及辉光放电对空气-金属之间对流传热系数的影响作用。

    The effects of corona , dielectric barrier discharge and glow discharge on the heat transfer coefficients with a heated copperplate are compared .

  30. 对流传热系数α是对流传热的难点,它的求算常采用半经验公式。

    Coefficient of convection heat transfer is the difficult point of convection heat transfer . Its solution is often found by half-experience formula .