
  1. 对振幅谱进行了扩散校正,并利用该方法测量了有机玻璃和饱水岩石样品的Q值。

    Diffraction for the spectra is corrected and the Q values of organic glass and water-saturated rock samples are measured .

  2. 它依赖于对振幅的精确测量和发送,这使它与X系统有着本质的区别。

    It depended crucially on accurate measurement and transmission of the amplitudes , in contrast to the X-system , which made them ' digital ' .

  3. 随着对振幅随偏移距变化(AVO)效应研究的日益深入,AVO分析的可靠性成为人们越来越关心的问题。

    With the increasingly deepening in studying AVO ( amplitude versus offset ), the discussion focused on the reliability of AVO anlysis has stirred up an intense interest in geophysical community .

  4. 变频电源能调节电流和频率,振动偏心轮实现了对振幅的调节。

    The frequency variable power can regulate frequency and electric current .

  5. 半导体激光自混频干涉技术对振幅的测量

    Self-mixing interference technique in a diode laser for measuring Amplitude

  6. 粗糙面的大小对振幅谱的影响不显著。

    It is obvious that the asperity size effects on the amplitude spectrum .

  7. 齿轮&转子耦合系统的动态响应及齿侧间隙对振幅跳跃特性的影响

    Dynamic Response of Geared Rotor System and the Effect of Clearance on Jump Characteristics of Amplitude

  8. 超声波在原木横断面衰减成像中接收方向角对振幅的影响自由衰减振荡示振仪

    Effects of Receiving Direction Angle on Amplitude of Ultrasonic Attenuation Tomography on the Cross Section of logs

  9. 对振幅降低但高于正常值的50%的患者进行规范及时的治疗,应可获得较好的疗效。

    The patients whose amplitude of 1d was above 50 % can obtain good efficacy with normative treatment .

  10. 由于叠加对振幅的影响,给使用亮点技术检测油气带来困难。

    Data stacking affects amplitudes , which makes it difficult to use bright spot technique in gas detection .

  11. 受激喇曼散射中三波相位的时间发展对振幅的影响

    Effects of the temporal evolution of the phases of three coupled waves on their amplitudes in stimulated Raman scattering

  12. 在此基础上,分析了质量偏心、阻尼、惯性力和重力对振幅的影响。

    The effects of eccentric mass , damping , inertia force and gravity on the vibration amplitude were analyzed .

  13. 在光谱成像的光谱分辨率增强技术中,对振幅衰减干涉信号的线性预测是其中的关键之一。

    Aimed at the problem of resolution enhancement of millimeter-wave radiometric image , a new resolution enhancement method is proposed .

  14. 应用地表一致性振幅补偿、球面扩散补偿技术较好地消除了激发、接收因素对振幅的影响。

    Surface conformity amplitude compensation and sphere diffusing compensation could well remove the impact of shooting and receiving factors on amplitude .

  15. 经过理论试算和实际处理表明,本方法能较好地消除球面发散和大地吸收对振幅的影响。

    Theoretical and practical results indicate that the method can compensate quite desirably the amplitude attenuation due to spherical divergence and earth absorption .

  16. 耦合相互作用微扰产生的啁啾与高阶色散微扰作用的情况相似,对振幅、脉宽、频率、中心位置、相位的演化规律都有直接的影响,而且破坏了类明孤子脉冲的绝热特性;

    The coupled interaction spoils the properties of evolution of amplitude , frequency band width , chirp , frequency , center position and phase ;

  17. 半球谐振陀螺由于制造工艺和装配过程中的因素,其结构难免出现误差,对振幅的检测和控制产生影响。

    Due to some factors induced by the fabrication technology and fitting process , the inevitable HRG structure error can affect the amplitude detection and control .

  18. 对振幅型二维斜周期阵列分数泰伯效应的研究,可以为设计和制作新型阵列发生器提供必要的理论依据。

    The study of fractional Talbot effect of the 2D amplitude skewed array is very important to the designation and manufacture of the new type array illumination .

  19. 仿真说明此方法对振幅的控制效果没有本文提出的主要模态特征结构配置方法好,可此方法却比主模态特征结构配置消耗较少的能量。

    But simulation proves that the dominant mode eigenstructure assignment method has better control results than this method . The partial eigenstructure assignment method costs less energy .

  20. 二灰稳定粉土对振幅和频率是敏感的,高频率强振可使其压实度达到98%。

    Silt stabilized with lime-flyash was sensitive to amplitude and frequencies of vibration , and high frequency and hard oscillation could attain the degree of compaction of 98 % .

  21. 通过对振幅调制半径、调制位置、透射率以及空间位置和相干长度参数的改变,可以获得不同形状的光强分布。

    Different shapes of intensity distribution can be gotten by changing the parameters of radius , location , transmittance of amplitude modulations and spatial position , and the coherence length .

  22. 文章在理论和实践中,对振幅、水平速度、筛面加速度3个性能参数对振动筛性能的影响做了探讨和分析,并提出了相应的结构配置要求。

    This paper researched respectively the three performance parameters , amplitude , horizontal speed , and screen acceleration influenced on the shale shaker in theory and in practice . This paper also mentioned the corresponding structural parameter setting .

  23. 应用地表一致性反褶积(共炮点、共检波点)技术,可达到压缩子波、消除由地表因素对振幅、子波的影响,改善剖面质量。

    Application of surface consistent deconvolution ( common source points , common receiving points ) technology is able to compress the wavelet and eliminate the surface factors impact on the amplitude , wavelet , and improve the quality of profiles .

  24. 利用规范不变的轴矢流散度等式证明了一个重要的推论,即在π~0→γγ过程中价夸克福克态对振幅的贡献占总振幅的一半。

    An important result , the contribution to the amplitude of the process π°→γγ from the valence Fock state is one half of the total amplitude , is proved by using a gauge invariant identity of the divergence of the axial vector current .

  25. 函数F()是伪经典的,意味着它交换基本向量,但是不会对任何振幅作更改。

    The function F () is pseudo-classical , meaning it swaps basis vectors around without changing any amplitudes .

  26. 多元体系中谐波对EXAFS振幅的影响

    The harmonic effect on EXAFS amplitude in poly-element systems

  27. 本文讨论了晶体单色器高次衍射形成的谐波对EXAFS振幅的影响。

    The effect on amplitude of EXAFS from harmonic caused by high order diffraction of crystal monochromator is discussed .

  28. 介质各向异性对多波振幅随着入射角的改变而变化(AVA)有着重要的影响。

    The anisotropy of a medium has a serious influence on the multiwave amplitude variation with incident angle .

  29. 本文讨论文氏电桥振荡器中,串并联RC支路参数不完全相等时,对振荡器振幅和频率的影响。

    In this paper , we discuss how the parameters of the branches in the series and parallel connection circuit influence the amplitude and frequency of the oscillator in Wien-bridge Oscillator when they are not exactly equal .

  30. 在AVO资料处理中,要尽可能排除各种地表因素对反射振幅的影响和获得准确的动校正速度。

    In AVO data processing , we must do our best to remove the influ - ence of various surface factors on reflection amplitude , and to obtain correct NMO correction velocity .