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  • logarithmic amplifier
  1. MCM真对数放大器

    A True Logarithmic Amplifier in MCM

  2. 对真对数放大器的双音互调特性及其DBF应用进行仿真验证。

    Characteristics of dual-tone inter-modulation of the true logarithmic amplifier and its application in DBF were simulated .

  3. 对数放大器提高ADC动态范围的研究

    Research on Improvement of Dynamic Range of ADC by Logarithm Amplifier

  4. 在比较器和受控放大器之间接上一个对数放大器,就可以使增益控制特性为指数函数的AGC系统严格线性化。

    It is also demonstrated that the AGC systems with exponential gain control characteristic may strictly be transformed into a linear system by using any logarithmic amplifier .

  5. 接收声信号经过TGC与对数放大器增益补偿和动态范围压缩后,进行数字化变换。

    The signal received is sampled after passing through a TGC and a logarithmic amplifier .

  6. 该视频对数放大器是在自制单片IC基础上混合集成,单片IC采用PN结隔离双极工艺制作。

    This video log amplifier is based on a monolithic IC , which is fabricated using PN junction isolation bipolar process by SISC , and all peripheral devices are integrated using hybrid IC process .

  7. 从分析真对数放大器(TLA)基本原理入手讨论了高增益真对数放大器的性能特点;

    Starting with analysis of basic principles of a high gain true logarithmic amplifier ( TLA ), its characteristics are discussed .

  8. 通过高增益真对数放大器传输函数的数学公式推导,介绍一种新型真对数放大器(TLA)的设计方法;

    By deriving the mathematical formula of the transfer function of the high gain TLA , the design method of a new TLA is introduced .

  9. 本文简述了X531真对数放大器单元电路的工作原理。

    The operating principle of X531 true logarithmic amplifier is briefly described .

  10. 介绍了一种应用于光接收机系统、速率可达155Mbit/s的CMOS限幅/对数放大器的接收信号强度指示器(RSSI)。电路采用0.6μm双多晶硅N阱CMOS工艺设计并实现。

    The received signal strength indicator ( RSSI ) in a CMOS limiting / logarithmic amplifier , which is proposed for optical receiver at bit rate of 155 Mbit / s , is designed and realized in a 0.6 μ m double-poly n-well CMOS process .

  11. 介绍了大动态连续检波式对数放大器(SDLA)的设计方法、工作原理和结构。

    A successive detection logarithmic amplifier ( SDLA ) is described , with regard to its operational principle and structure .

  12. 介绍了对数放大器的基本概念以及利用AD8313对数放大器集成芯片研制的实用宽带、大动态范围、高精度对数放大器模块。

    This paper introduces a basic conception of logarithm amplifier and a useful logarithmic amplifier using the chip of AD8313 that has a wide bandwidth , high dynamic range and high accuracy .

  13. 叙述用于雷达接收机的三种对数放大器,即检波对数视频放大器(DLVA)、连续检波对数放大器(SDLA)、以及真对数放大器(TLA)。

    Three types of logarithmic amplifiers used for radar receivers , i. e. detection log video amplifiers ( DLVA ), successive detection log amps ( SDLA ) and true log amps ( TLA ), are described in the paper .

  14. 应用对数放大器和差分放大器进行光纤损耗的运算

    Employment of Logarithmic and Differential Amplifier in Calculating Optical Fiber Losses

  15. 真对数放大器在短波扩频通信中的应用

    Application of True Logarithmic IF Amplifiers in HF DSSS Communication System

  16. 本文介绍了一种实用的双端输入的直流差动对数放大器。

    This paper introduced a direct current differential logarithmicamplifier with two-terminal inputs .

  17. 一种低噪声大动态连续检波式对数放大器的设计

    A Low Noise Large Dynamic Successive Detection Logarithmic Amplifier

  18. 锥扫方式雷达加装对数放大器的实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Logarithmic Amplifier as Applied to the Conical Scan Radar

  19. 逐级进入式对数放大器的理论分析及应用

    The General Theory of a Multi-Stage Logarithmic Amplifier with Each Stage Driven Sequentially

  20. 一种双端输入的直流差动对数放大器的研制

    Research And Development of A Direct Current Differential Logarithmic Amplifier With Two-terminal Inputs

  21. 一种大动态视频对数放大器的设计

    Design of a Large Dynamic Range Video Logarithmic Amplifier

  22. 大动态连续检波式对数放大器的设计

    A Wide Dynamic Range Successive Detection Logarithmic Amplifier

  23. 一种高频真对数放大器的设计

    Design of a high frequency true logarithmic amplifier

  24. 提出了利用真对数放大器扩展数字接收机动态范围的方法。

    Techniques to improve dynamic range of digital receivers with true logarithmic amplifier were presented .

  25. 一种低噪声高增益宽带视频对数放大器

    A Low-Noise High-Gain Wide-Band Logarithmic Amplifier

  26. 雷达接收机中的集成对数放大器

    Integrated Logarithmic Amplifiers in Radar Receivers

  27. 双增益级对数放大器

    Double gain stage logarithmic amplifier

  28. 微型组装的级联对数放大器

    Cascaded Logarithmic Amplifier in Microassembly

  29. 集成对数放大器它包括技术环境、数据环境、应用程序的集成。

    Logarithmic Amplifiers and Their Integration It includes the integration of technology environment , data environment and applied program .

  30. 在液闪计数装置中采用这种对数放大器实现了对一些放射性核素活度的绝对测量。

    Using this amplifier in a liquid scintillation counting device , absolute measurements of the activity of some radionuclides have been realized .