
  • 网络focusing system;focus system
  1. 适用于激光微加工的自动对焦系统的研究

    Research on Auto Focus System Suitable for Laser Micro Machining

  2. 本论文主要论述了当前应用广泛发展快速的变焦镜头自动对焦系统整体的设计流程,从硬件设计到软件编程。

    This paper mainly discusses the whole design process of the cun-ent widely applied to zoom lens auto focus system , from hardware to software programming design , including the design of hardware and software program .

  3. 基于Internet的嵌入式数字图像自动对焦系统

    Embedded Digital Image Auto-focus System Based on Internet

  4. 介绍一种应用于USBVideoCamera中的自动对焦系统。

    An automatic focusing system applied in USB video camera is introduced .

  5. 基于USBVideoCamera的自动对焦系统

    An Automatic Focusing System Based on USB Video Camera

  6. 它配备了CCD位移式防抖系统、除尘和宾得独有的11点自动对焦系统。

    It comes with a CCD-shift type'Shake Reduction'system , Dust Removal and Pentax '11-point Safox VIII AF system .

  7. 很快地,Pen的自动对焦系统就会像ESystem的相机一样快,所以其自动对焦性能就可能可以在没有反光镜的情况下仍能有同样良好的表现。

    Soon the AF system in the Pen cameras will be as fast as that in the E system DSLRs so there it will be possible to get just as good AF performance without the mirror system .

  8. 基于ARM-linux的显微镜自动对焦系统研究

    Research Of Microscope AF System Based On ARM-linux

  9. 本文所阐述的自动对焦系统正是基于CNC而开发的。首先,本文讨论了自动对焦的三个基本要素,即清晰度评价函数,对焦窗口和搜索策略。

    The auto-focusing system demonstrated in this paper is right based on CNC system . Firstly , three basic elements of auto-focusing are discussed in this paper . They are focus measure , focus window and searching strategy .

  10. 采用新颍的PIN结构研制的光电位置传感器,主要用于小型相机的自动对焦系统。

    The Photoelectric position sensitiva device ( PSD ) with a novel PIN structure is mainly used in the auto-focusing system of miniature cameras , the operating principle and the distance-measuring method of the PSD devices are presented .

  11. 提出一种用于数字成像的自动对焦系统,它以CMOS为图像传感器,用DSP进行数据处理并控制驱动电路调整镜头的位置,达到准确自动对焦的目的。

    An auto-focusing system used for digital imaging is proposed . The system , for the purpose of accurate auto-focusing , make use of CMOS as image sensor , Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) for data processing and controlling driving circuit for lens position adjustment .

  12. 自动对焦系统在手机中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Auto-focusing system has been found wide application in mobile camera .

  13. 自动对焦系统和轨道跟踪系统;

    The automatic focusing system and the track tracing system ;

  14. 非球面检测中偏心光束对焦系统设计

    Automatic Focusing System Design of Eccentric Beam in Aspheric Surface Measuring Technology

  15. 设计实现了基于视频信号滤波和单片机控制的显微镜自动对焦系统硬件结构。

    Thirdly , designed the hardware system of the Auto-focus system using with microscope .

  16. 一种用于数字成像的自动对焦系统

    An auto-focusing system used for digital imaging

  17. :分析了利用PC机实现一个自动对焦系统的系统结构,具体实现细节,并实现了这一系统。

    Then analyzes the system structure of an auto-focus system based on PC in detail .

  18. 自动对焦系统中图像非均匀采样的实验研究

    Autofocus System Experiment Study Using Variational Image-sampling

  19. 对此显微镜自动对焦系统性能进行了详细测试。

    Tested the Auto-focus system minutely .

  20. 本论文详细讨论了一种应用于数码视频展示台中的自动对焦系统。

    In this paper we discussed an auto-focus system which is based on DSP and applied in digital video presenter .

  21. 构建了适于生产线检测的自动对焦系统,并成功地实现快速调焦。

    The auto-focusing system for camera module production line has been set up and it can focus fast as well as accurately .

  22. 它带有一个迅速并且几乎无声的对焦系统,这使它成为理想的录像镜头。

    It has an extremely fast and almost silent focusing system , which makes it an ideal lens for video recording as well .

  23. 从噪声、亮度一致性及视场变化等角度分析了在对焦系统中进行图像预处理的必要性。

    The necessity of image pre-processing in focusing system is analyzed from the aspects of noise , consistency of brightness and field of view .

  24. 全新超广角镜头的设计和自动对焦系统能精准对焦,放大最小距离2厘米内的物体。

    The new Ultra Wide lens design and auto-focus system enable incredibly sharp focus and can magnify subjects with a minimum distance of 2 centimeters .

  25. 在影像测量仪的自动对焦系统中,比其他方法具有更快的对焦速度和更高的对焦准确度,且具有良好的稳定性。

    The improved function , with good stability , has faster focusing speed and higher focusing accuracy than other methods in the auto-focusing system of image measurement instrument .

  26. 实用自动对焦系统的设计包括对焦评价函数、控制系统、执行机构、电源和用户界面等方面的设计。

    An Auto-focus system design include the focus measure design , the control system design , the carrying out mechanism design , the power supply design and the user interface design .

  27. 主动式PSD自动对焦光学系统设计

    Optical Design of Initiative PSD Auto - Focus System

  28. 基于BCB的快速自动对焦视频监控系统的实现

    Implementation of Fast Automatic Focus Video Monitor System Based on BCB

  29. 介绍了一种具有快速自动对焦的视频监控系统。

    Moreover , auto focusing has a widely use in GPS and computer vision .

  30. 高效的自动对焦和防抖系统加上全天候密封一起构成了一个让人无法拒绝的组合。

    Effective autofocus and image stabilization systems , plus full weather sealing , round off a compelling package .