
  1. 但你需要记住的是缓慢的对焦速度总是在暗光条件下显得尤其明显。

    The slow focusing speed is most noticeable in lower light situations .

  2. 它可以让自动对焦速度更快并改善低光成像效果。

    It can make autofocus faster and improve low-light photography .

  3. 基于离焦估计的对焦速度的提高方法

    Method of Improving Autofocus Speed Based on Defocus Estimation

  4. 在自动聚焦系统中,对焦窗口的选择直接影响对焦的速度和准确性。

    In automatic focusing system , the focusing window directly affects the speed and veracity of auto-focusing .

  5. 该算法大大减少了自动对焦所需要采集的图像数量,对焦速度、精度以及鲁棒性均有明显的提高。

    This algorithm decreases greatly the number of images that are acquired for autofocusing , and increases the speed , accuracy and robustness of the microscopic autofocusing system .

  6. 在影像测量仪的自动对焦系统中,比其他方法具有更快的对焦速度和更高的对焦准确度,且具有良好的稳定性。

    The improved function , with good stability , has faster focusing speed and higher focusing accuracy than other methods in the auto-focusing system of image measurement instrument .

  7. 二者在保持对焦评价曲线灵敏度的同时,可以有效地降低计算量,加快对焦速度。

    Keeping acuity of focus measure curve , new approaches reduced run-time and improved the speed of focus .