
  1. 没有告诉我们他们如何到达破釜酒吧,但是我们从《密室》知道对角巷在飞路网络上。

    We aren 't told how they got to the leaky cauldron , but we know from chamber of secrets that Diagon Alley is on the Floo network .

  2. 海格直接把他带到了对角巷。

    Hagrid had steered him right into Diagon Alley .

  3. 咱们在对角巷见面如何?

    Why don 't we meet in Diagon Alley ?

  4. 哈利,欢迎来到对角巷。

    Welcome , Harry , to Diagon Alley .

  5. 欢迎哈利,去对角巷。

    Welcome Harry , to Diagon Alley .

  6. 第二个谜语是关于福洛林·福斯科,对角巷冰淇淋小店的店主

    The second riddle led to information about Florean Fortesque , owner of Diagon Alley 's ice cream parlour .

  7. 对于梦想在对角巷闲逛的人来说,机会就要来了。

    For everyone who has dreamt of walking the streets of Diagon Alley , they soon will have the chance .

  8. 更糟糕的是,哈利可以看出,满是灰尘的商店橱窗外那条阴暗狭窄的小巷,肯定不是对角巷。

    Even worse , the dark , narrow street Harry could see through the dusty shop window was definitely not Diagon Alley .

  9. GB/T1597-1979铱坩埚例如,在对角巷[COLOR]售的自动搅拌可折叠的坩埚。

    Iridium crucible Self-stirring , collapsable cauldrons are sold in Diagon Alley [ / COLOR ] , for example ( SS5 ) .

  10. 多年来,《哈利波特》丛书的粉丝们一直把某些单词的发音都弄错了:从赫敏、对角巷到鲁伯。

    From Hermione to Diagon and Rubeus , Harry Potter books have been tripping fans up for years over how to pronounce certain words 。

  11. 我想你是知道的,是你吧日记塞进了金妮•韦斯莱的大锅,那天在对角巷,是你,对吧。

    I think you do , sir I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasleys cauldron that day at Diagon Alley You do , do you ?

  12. 呼的一声,炉火变得碧绿,升得比弗雷德还高。他径直走进火里,喊了一声“对角巷!”眨眼间就不见了。

    With a roar , the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Fred , who stepped right into it , shouted , " Diagon Alley ! " and vanished .

  13. 酒吧后面是一条摆了垃圾桶的小街,上面有一道砖墙,这就是能把人带到对角巷的魔径了。

    Behind the pub is a small alleyway with trash cans and a brick wall . It is through this wall that the magic portal opens to take visitors into Diagon Alley .