
  • 网络knighthood
  1. 2008年8月15日,国王哈拉尔五世(KingHaraldV)授予奥拉夫爵位,并在授予典礼上声明奥拉夫在各方面都有资格获得骑士爵位的荣誉和尊严。

    He was knighted on 15th August , 2008 , which was approved by King Harald V , who stated during the ceremony that Nils was in every way qualified to receive the honour and dignity of knighthood .

  2. 26岁的穆雷在成为了温网77年来首次获得男单冠军的本土选手后,也跻身骑士爵位的热门人选名单。

    Murray , 26 , had also been seen as a likely candidate for a knighthood after becoming the first Wimbledon men 's singles champion for 77 years in July .

  3. 这是授封骑士爵位时的传统仪式。

    It was a traditional ceremony in creating a knight .

  4. 英女王将颁授葛林斯潘荣誉骑士爵位

    British queen to ennoble Greenspan as Honorary Knight

  5. 国王授与他骑士爵位。

    The king dubbed him knight .

  6. 只是……卡梅洛特的第一条法则就言明,拥有贵族血统的人才有资格享有骑士爵位。

    It 's just that ... The first code of Camelot states that only those of noble blood can serve as knight .

  7. 唐宁街称骑士爵位将授予一位网球明星是一个必赢的猜测。

    Downing Street said at the time it was a safe bet that it would be recommending the tennis star for a knighthood .

  8. 如果成功了,你会被授予骑士爵位,那都是你应得的,不在于你是不是贵族。

    And if you succeed , if they make you a knight , it 'll be because you have earned it , noble or not .

  9. 38岁的贝克汉姆在今年五月告别了20年的足球生涯,当时他被举荐为骑士爵位候选人。

    Beckham , 38 , had been suggested for a knighthood in May when he announced he was retiring from football after a 20-year career .

  10. 唐宁街称骑士爵位将授予一位网球明星是一个“必赢的猜测”。

    Downing Street said at the time it was a " safe bet " that it would be recommending the tennis star for a knighthood .

  11. 大卫·贝克汉姆和安迪·穆雷在英国新年嘉奖名单上将错失骑士爵位,尽管有报道称很多人都预测他们能够获得这项荣誉。

    David Beckham and Andy Murray will miss out on knighthoods in the New Year Honours list , despite being widely tipped to receive the honours , according to reports .

  12. (在中世纪英国)骑士的随从和盾牌的携带者;骑士爵位身份的投考者。

    ( in medieval England ) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight ; a candidate for knighthood .