
  • 网络the Leaky Cauldron
  1. 整个“破釜酒吧”突然一下子静了下来。

    The Leaky Cauldron had suddenly gone completely still and silent .

  2. 海格一直站在一旁微笑着。一阵椅子划过地板的声音之后,哈利发现自己正在和“破釜酒吧”里的每一个人握手。

    Then there was a great scraping of chairs and the next moment , Harry found himself shaking hands with everyone in the Leaky Cauldron .

  3. 我们也能读到破釜酒吧的一小段历史。

    We also got a short history of the Leaky Cauldron pub .

  4. 韦斯莱先生坚持要带格兰杰一家去破釜酒吧喝一杯。

    Mr. Weasley was insisting on taking the Grangers off to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink .

  5. 伦敦最古老的酒吧,任何一个巫师都会告诉你是查令十字路的破釜酒吧。

    The oldest pub in London , as any wizard will tell you , is the Leaky Cauldron on Charing Cross Road .

  6. 在哈利三年级时,他们待在破釜酒吧,并使用魔法部的汽车到达国王十字车站。

    In Harry 's third year , they are staying at the Leaky Cauldron and use Ministry of Magic cars to get to King 's Cross .

  7. 没有告诉我们他们如何到达破釜酒吧,但是我们从《密室》知道对角巷在飞路网络上。

    We aren 't told how they got to the leaky cauldron , but we know from chamber of secrets that Diagon Alley is on the Floo network .

  8. 因此,魔法部很可能在莱斯特广场或查林十字车站的附近,与破釜酒吧和麻瓜政府部门都很接近。

    Consequently , the Ministry of Magic is probably near Leicester Square or Charing Cross stations , close to both the Leaky Cauldron and to the Muggle government ministries .

  9. 确实,到底为什么要操心麻瓜的交通系统,而在飞路网络上的破釜酒吧距国王十字车站只有很短的距离?

    Indeed , why bother with Muggle transport at all when the leaky cauldron , which is on the Floo network , is only a short distance from king 's cross ?