
  • The Saboteur;destroyer;buster;wrecker;Demolisher
  1. 其基本特性是强烈的进攻性:Fairbairn最初把这部分的自体称之为内在破坏者。

    Fairbairn had earlier called this part of the self the Internal Saboteur .

  2. 如果那样的话,我们就在数据中引入了一个破坏者数据。

    In that case , we would have introduced a saboteur into the data .

  3. 那些故意破坏者索要钱财,以作为透露自己是如何非法进入该电脑系统的交换条件。

    The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems .

  4. 你要是和他约会,就会成别人家庭的破坏者。

    If you date him , you will be a home wrecker .

  5. 颅底骨质有、无破坏者发生率为4.6%及0.6%(P<0.01);

    Having and not having bone destractions of the skull base , were 4 . 6 % and 0 . 6 % respectively ( P < 0.01 );

  6. 由于Internet网络本身的开放性,使每一个网络用户在为网络的受益者的同时,也可能成为网络的破坏者。

    Due to the publicity of the Internet , every network user could possibly destroy the network at the same time they could benefit from the network .

  7. 无骨破坏MM患者的生存期较有骨破坏者生存期长。

    Survival of MM patients without bone damage is longer than survival of MM patients with bone damage . 7 .

  8. 谷歌(Google)的“官僚主义破坏者”计划旨在削减公司内部的繁文缛节,提高行政流程的效率。

    Google 's " Bureaucracy Busters " program was designed to cut down on internal red tape and make administrative processes more efficient .

  9. 椎体周壁有破坏者和无破坏者骨水泥渗漏的发生率分别为8.5%(4/47)和1.6%(3/186),差异有显著性(P

    The bone cement leaking rate for broken and intact of peripheral wall was8.5 % ( 4 / 47 ) and1.6 % ( 3 / 186 ) respectively , which showed significant difference ( P

  10. SSL能阻止那些故意破坏者修改网站的网页和防止工业竞争对手查看机密文档。

    SSL can also keep vandals from altering your web page and prevent industrial competitors from reading your confidential documents .

  11. 从本周指导得名字看来似乎指得只是GDI得工程师,不过它也会涉及到破坏者和同化者得。

    The name of this TotW implies that it is only about GDI 's Engineer , but it will talk about Saboteurs and Assimilators too .

  12. 研究RPC病毒这类去年下半年最具威力的破坏者,找到一种行之有效的方法来进行查杀,是研究网络安全的一个很好的切入点。

    To research the most powerful virus of the last year , and find out the inside of the virus , is a good break point to learn the network security .

  13. 上周另一部新上映的影片《破坏者》(Sabotage)开局不利。动作影星、前加州州长阿诺德・施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)在片中饰演一位美国缉毒局(DEA)特工。

    The week 's other new release , ' Sabotage ' starring action star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a DEA agent , was busted on arrival .

  14. 毒蛾科的模式属;一种害虫(Lymantria的意思是破坏者)。

    Type genus of the Lymantriidae ; a pest ( Lymantria means ` destroyer ' ) .

  15. 结果12例良性病变平片显示与肋骨长轴一致的囊性破坏者10例,4例伴有砂粒状钙化,6例恶性肿瘤均显示边界清楚的溶骨性破坏,CT显示软组织肿块突人胸腔。

    Results of the 12 benign cases , 10 cases showed cystic destruction paralleled to the long axis of rib , 4 cases complicated sandy calcification . 6 malignant tumors showed clear boundary osteolytic destruction and there is soft tissue protruding to thoracic cavity on CT .

  16. 挥发性卤代烃VHCs(Volatilehalocarbons)是大气中重要的痕量温室气体和臭氧层破坏者,在全球气候变化和生态环境等方面起着重要作用。

    Volatile halocarbons ( VHCs ) are important atmospheric trace gases , potential greenhouse gases and ozone destructors , which play important roles in global climatic change and environment .

  17. 在G20峰会上,中国最终同意向国际货币基金组织(IMF)出资区区400亿美元(欧洲和日本各出资逾1000亿美元),不过是一笔税项,以免被视作全球协议的破坏者。

    China 's limited offer at the G20 to subscribe an eventual $ 40bn to the International Monetary Fund ( when Europe and Japan each contributed over $ 100bn ) is little more than a tax to avoid being seen as a global deal-breaker .

  18. 他最开始相信甘地(Gandhian)的非暴力不合作运动,但当罢工和抗议看似徒劳之后,曼德拉组建了一支破坏者小分队。

    He initially put his faith in Gandhian nonviolence , but when strikes and protests began to seem futile , he founded a band of saboteurs .

  19. 在第一部分中,Schneier通过讨论所面对的威胁、攻击的类型、对手(比如,恶意破坏者)和安全的需要,为数字安全这个主题建立了一个上下文。

    In the first part , Schneier establishes a context for the topic of digital security by discussing threats , types of attacks , adversaries ( i.e. ," bad guys "), and the needs for true security .

  20. 如果我们承受攻击,他们就是破坏者。

    Lf we bear their blows , they are the vandals .

  21. 偏执之神,那个破坏者,开始猛击我的心灵之门。

    Paranoia , the destroyer , comes knocking on my door .

  22. 对莎曼珊琼斯来说,这一点成了交易破坏者。

    And for Samantha Jones , that was the deal breaker .

  23. 我们人类是我们自己星球上的破坏者。

    That we humans were a plague on our own planet .

  24. 生态破坏者赔偿与生态保护者获偿的对称机制;

    Symmetrical compensation mechanism by the destructor to the protector ;

  25. 破坏者推倒了广场上那座著名的雕像。

    Vandals pulled down the famous statue in the square .

  26. 我不想他成为一个蓄意破坏者。

    I didn 't raise him to be a vandal .

  27. 有个恶意破坏者再次来折断,我的汽车天线。

    Some vandal 's gone and snapped off my car aerial again .

  28. 佐克,破坏者的攻击越来越频繁了。

    Zoc , attacks from the destroyer grow more frequent .

  29. 因此,这将是对行作物耕作的一个主要破坏者。

    So that will be a major disruptor to row crop farming .

  30. 约基奇,本质上的利他主义者,成了破坏者。

    Jokic , altruistic in nature , became a destroyer .