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  • 网络burst pressure;breakdown pressure;Mpa;breaking pressure
  1. 当压力达到破坏压力时,模型沿布置孔的方向的Y方向拉应力超过了岩石的抗拉强度,岩石破裂。

    When the pressure reaches the breaking pressure , along the direction of the arrangement hole , the Y-direction tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength of the rock , so rock fracture .

  2. 在保证膜片的反向承压能力的同时,尽量降低膜片的破坏压力,确定了膜片的破裂压力为(9.2±1)MPa,刻槽深度为0.18mm~0.19mm;

    At the same time it ensures the inverse pressure of the diaphragm , it will possibly reduces the rupture pressure of the diaphragm , and the pressure will be 9.2 ± 1MPa , the notching depth is 0.18mm ~ 0.19mm ;

  3. 均匀外压下有几何缺陷球壳的破坏压力

    Collapse pressure of spherical shells with initial imperfections under uniform pressure

  4. 通过对在用YSP-10钢瓶的材料性能测试、钢瓶的压力爆破试验研究,得到了材料力学性能及其钢瓶的破坏压力。

    The material mechanical property and failure pressure of the cylinder YSP-10 were test ed.

  5. 不适当的成型压力的维持时间会破坏压力回弹作用,造成催化剂成型体的机械强度明显降低。

    The rebound effect will be undermined by the unsuitable pressure maintain process , resulting in the apparent decrease of mechanical strength of catalyst pellets .

  6. 本文介绍了这种卡箍的结构特点,制造工艺和气密、振动、弯曲疲劳、压力循环、耐压、破坏压力和低温密封试验的试验过程。

    The structural features and manufacturing process of the clamps , and airtightness , vibration , bending fatigue , pressure cycle , pressure resistant , destructive pressure and low-temperature sealing tests are discussed .

  7. 储罐的失稳压力远大于其破坏压力,所以在发生失稳破坏前发生强度破坏;其储罐发生屈曲后的破坏压力要小于发生屈曲前的破坏压力。

    The unstability pressure a far greater than its destruction pressure , and strength of the damage occured before destruction damage . The breakdown pressure of after buckling is less than before buckling .

  8. 这个意外的空气往往会破坏系统压力,最终破坏其意图的冷却剂的冷却的汽车发动机。

    This unexpected air will often disrupt the system pressure and eventually disrupt the coolant in its attempt of cooling the car engine .

  9. 通过变薄测量、爆破试验、振动寿命试验、爆破压力计算证明了弯曲后的管子疲劳破坏、压力爆破均不发生在弯曲变薄区域。

    It is proved through the thinning measure , explosion test , vibration life test and the explosion pressure calculation that after bending the fatigue damage and the pressure explosion do not occur in the area where pipe wall has been thinned .

  10. 隧道围岩渐进性破坏及围岩压力预测方法研究

    Research on Prediction Method of Surrounding Rock Pressure Base on Tunnel Progressive Destruction

  11. 不同结构的岩石试件变形破坏与孔隙压力关系的实验研究

    Experimental study on some relations between pore-pressure and Deformation-Fracture of rock sample with distinct structure

  12. 我国滨海生态系统受到水污染和生态破坏的双重压力。

    The coastal ecosystem in our country bears the double pressure of water pollution eco-disturb .

  13. 不同温压条件下饱水砂岩的变形破坏与孔隙压力问题的试验研究

    The test study on deformation failure and pore pressure of the saturated sandstone under the conditions of various temperature and confining pressure

  14. 因此,对尾巷受采动影响的下的变形、破坏及支承压力分布规律的研究具有很大的实际意义。

    So the study of the deformation , the destruction of the tail-gate and the distribution law of supporting pressure has great practicality significance .

  15. 实测表明,支架在走向上分区域承受了不同高度范围内顶煤体完全破坏后的压力,基本顶岩层的垮落区域位于煤壁后方采空区内。

    Site measurement showed that the support bears pressure of different heights of caving completely destroyed along rock strike on different region and collapse range of basic roof is in gob area rear of coal wall .

  16. 然而,随着游人数量的持续增多、景区景点的过度建设,导致环境容量长期超负荷运行,风景名胜区的生态资源不断被破坏,环境压力越来越大。

    However , the capacity of the environment suffers long-term overload attributing to the continuous increase in the number of visitors and excessive construction of tourist attractions . As a consequence , ecological resources of scenic area have been damaged gradually and the environment has been under increasing pressure .

  17. 对于土体转动破坏情况,土压力的大小与Sokolovskii(1956)和Chen(1975)的结果比较吻合。

    In rotational failure mode , the passive earth pressure agrees well with that of Chen ( 1975 ) and Sokolovskii ( 1956 ) .

  18. 试验得到了试件破坏过程、轴压力一应变关系曲线。

    The failure process , compressive force-strain relationship curves of specimens were obtained .

  19. 海床破坏同孔隙水压力的分布有着密切的关系。

    It has close relation between seabed destruction and distribution of pore water pressure .

  20. 根据库伦-摩尔准则和最小主应力拉伸破坏准则推导坍塌压力和破裂压力的求解公式。

    The formulas of fracture pressure and collapse pressure were concluded according to Culon-morper rule and the Minimum Main Stress Destroy rule .

  21. 近年来,由于各种自然因素和人为因素的影响,湿地资源遭到严重破坏,面临巨大压力。

    In recent years , the wetland resources have been seriously damaged by natural factors and human factors , facing with tremendous pressure from that .

  22. 针对工程上常见的破坏性极大的压力容器的疲劳问题,提出了一个适合于压力容器的弹塑性疲劳裂纹扩展率计算公式。

    Aimed at the fatigue of pressure vessel commonly encountered problem in engineering with large destructibility , formula suitable for estimating elastic and plastic fatigue crack growth rate of the pressure vessels is presented .

  23. 通过实验室相似材料模拟试验,分析了近距离采空区下进行采煤,上覆岩层的破坏状况和支承压力分布规律,以及顶板冒落和采动裂隙发育的特征。

    Through the analog stuff simulation test in lab , analyse the destroy situation of overlying strata and the law of abutment stress distribution , and analyse the character of roof fallen and mining cranny growth .

  24. 能源成本下降应该会刺激经济,但特别是在欧洲大陆,能源成本下降可能带来具有破坏性的通缩压力&物价将继续下跌的预期,导致个人和企业搁置支出决定,从而削弱增长。

    Lower energy costs should stimulate economies , but in continental Europe in particular they risk creating damaging deflationary pressures & expectations of further price falls that prompt people and businesses to shelve spending decisions , weakening growth .

  25. 厚壁圆筒破坏的弹性极限压力因屈服经验准则不同而有所差异,但均与岩层强度成正比;

    In the thick wall cylinder water inrush mode , the elastic limit pressures that may lead to failure of the thick wall cylinder are different as the different yield empirical rules , but all are in direct proportion with the strength of rock stratum .

  26. 压力容器的破坏大多数表现为低周疲劳破坏,因此压力容器用钢的低周疲劳裂纹萌生寿命是压力容器安全评定的重要内容之一。

    So initial life of low-cycle fatigue cracks of pressure vessels steel is one of the most important aspects The methods of initial life of low-cycle fatigue cracks are summed up in the paper .

  27. 在理论分析与实验研究的基础上,本文提出了一个加筋土强度模型,该模型包括:①破坏类型的判别准则,给出了摩擦型破坏和断裂型破坏的临界围压力σ(30);

    By means of theoretical analysis and test investigation , a strength model of reinforced soil is pre-sented , which includes : ( 1 ) Judgement criterion for types of failure of reinforced soil , the critical confining stress σ 30 of slippage and rupture failure is given .