
  1. 在第二天早晨查尔斯·代尔那被带到审判团面前时,马内特医生、路茜和劳里先生都在那儿。

    When Charles Darnay was led before the Tribunal the next morning , Dr Manette , Lucie and Mr Lorry were all there .

  2. 在单中心球模型近似下,选用类B原子解析波函数,用变分法计算了H27+团簇正八面体中心结构与能量。

    The simple boron wave functions are chosen as the electronic wave functions of the H ~ 2 + _7 cluster with one center spherical model approximation .

  3. 选用类氧原子波函数,在单中心球模型近似下,利用变分法计算了H-7团簇正八面体中心结构的能量曲线。

    The simple oxygen wave functions are chosen as the electronic wave function of the H - 7 cluster with one center spherical model approximation . The energy curve the body-centered regular octahedral structure of the H - 7 cluster is calculated by means of variational method .

  4. 小麦谷蛋白亚基的等位基因变异及其对面团和面时间的影响

    Allelic Variations of Glutenin Subunits of Wheat and Their Effects on Dough Mixing Time

  5. 湿糯米粉粘性极强,只好用手揪一小团湿面,挤压成圆片形状。

    Extremely wet sticky glutinous rice flour , a small group had to hand-pulling the wet surface , extruded into a wafer shape .

  6. 因此,对于面瘫的研究不再局限于位于外周面神经,而是开始关注面运动核团内的面运动神经元,在面神经损伤后的存活情况。

    This conclusion led the study on facial paralysis to focus not only on the peripheral facial nerve , but also on the status of survival of facial motor neurons in the facial motor nucleus after injury to the peripheral facial nerve .

  7. 该三个星系团的X射线面亮度观测结果也被用于构建其气体密度和温度分布以作比较。

    The observations of X-ray surface brightness are also used to derive the radial distribution of gas for comparison .

  8. Hn~+(n≤7)团簇在Au-Si面垒探测器死层中的能损

    Energy loss of H + n ( n ≤ 7 ) clusters in the dead layer of Au-Si surface barrier detector

  9. 我头一次注意到智囊团原理的经济面特征,是25年前卡内基引发的。

    The Master Mind principle , or rather the economic feature of it , was first called to my attention by Andrew Carnegie , over twenty-five years ago .