
  • 网络Bulk molding compound;bmc;dmC
  1. 介绍了热固性团状模塑料(BMC)注射成型汽车前照灯反射镜的工艺过程,确定了BMC注射成型的料筒温度、螺杆转速、注射压力、注射速度和保压时间等工艺参数。

    The injection molding process of thermoset plastics bulk molding composition ( BMC ) made of automobile lamp reflector is presented in the paper . Process parameters are settled such as barrel temperature , screw speed , injection pressure , injection velocity and holding time and so on .

  2. 玻纤增强不饱和聚酯团状模塑料的研究进展

    Research and Development of Chopped Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Bulk Molding Compounds

  3. 团状模塑料增强三元乙丙橡胶

    Reinforced EPDM with DMC

  4. 玻璃纤维增强团状模塑料,拥有优越的力学强度的电气级材料,应用于耐候耐腐蚀的环境。

    Bulk Molding Compound-Premium high strength electrical grade with excellent resistance to smoke generation , weathering , and corrosive environments .