
  • 网络SHADOW;shadow effect;Drop Shadow;box-shadow
  1. 计算机实时3D绘图的阴影效果研究及实现

    Shadow Effect and Realization of Real Time 3D Drawing by Computer

  2. 对在开发过程中遇到的有关DEM数据的裁剪与拼接、图像配准、地表模拟、透视变换、消隐处理、光照和阴影效果以及颜色变换等问题的解决方案和实现方法作了简要的介绍。

    The solutions and realizing methods for problems encountered in practice are introduced , such as cutting and the join-together of DEM data , image matching , earth surface simulation , perspective counterchange , black-out processing , effects of illumination and shadow , color change , etc.

  3. 请注意,我没有研究最终用户将看到的生动的显示效果:Portland并不解决GUI主题的“花俏”,或者阴影效果又或者虚拟文件系统创新。

    Notice that I 'm not looking at anything that end users would see as dramatic : Portland does not address the " sizzle " of GUI themes or shading effects or virtual file system innovations .

  4. 在页首长方形块底端画一条1px的灰蓝色的线,混合属性中添加阴影效果。

    Add a dark blue1px line on the bottom of the header box , apply the Drop shadow effect .

  5. 使用平滑字体、真彩色、阴影效果、透明度和图像文件加载,Ghosd为您提供了实现下一级别的屏幕显示的能力。

    With anti-aliased fonts , true color , drop shadows , transparency , and image file loading , Ghosd gives you the capability for implementing the next level of on-screen displays .

  6. 采用本算法可使生成的阴影效果具有可控细节层次。

    The shadow effect produced by the algorithm has LOD .

  7. 给蝴蝶添加一下阴影效果,方法和给脸脸添加一样的哦。

    Add the shadow now the same way we did with the mask .

  8. 然后吸引更多的物体超过四个角落使用相同的下拉阴影效果。

    Then draw more objects over the four corners using the same Drop Shadow effect .

  9. 用更深色的粉红色在甲片一边制造出阴影效果。

    Using a darker pink hue , create shading on one side of the nail .

  10. 如果要在条形图后面添加阴影效果,请选中“阴影”复选框。

    If you want to add a shadow effect behind the bar , select the shadow check box .

  11. 某些页面上出现的一些很酷的动画,也不是弹出窗口下一个很酷的阴影效果。

    A really cool animation on some page , or a pop-up window with a really cool shadow underneath it .

  12. 这样的一个创建可以像图片周围带色边界一样简单,也可以像阴影效果那么复杂。

    Such a frame can be as simple as a colored border around an image but can also have more complex features like shadows .

  13. 阴影效果对于增强三维场景的真实感有着非常重要的作用,本文研究和比较了各种阴影生产算法,重点讨论了目前生成阴影的两种主流算法&阴影映射算法和影域算法。

    Shadow plays an important role in 3D Scene . Studying and comparing different shadow algorithms , emphasizing on two prevalent algorithms , Shadow Mapping and Shadow Volume . 3 .

  14. 为了强调抽屉窗口和所属窗口的关系,抽屉窗口从所属窗口的后面滑出,并有阴影效果让其看起来很像桌子抽屉。

    To emphasize the relationship between a drawer and a window , the drawer slides out from beneath the window , displaying shadowing that makes it look like a desk drawer .

  15. 介绍了由天然光创造的室内光环境,阐述了空间效果、光的构图;还介绍了室内光环境中的光和色彩,阐述了阴影效果、色彩效果;

    Stress is laid on the interior luminous environment created by the natural light with the space effect , the composition by light and the effect of light , shadow and colour ;

  16. 同时,给出了两个模型扩展的实例:以内部扩展方式实现的设计纹理和以外部扩展方式实现的动态阴影效果。

    Simultaneously , we have given two examples of the model 's extensibility : designing texture based on the internal extensibility manner and the dynamic shadow effect based on the external extensibility manner .

  17. 阴影效果对于营造虚拟环境的真实感来说是非常重要的,这是因为阴影提供了帮助人们理解场景中物体空间关系的视觉信息。

    Shadow effect is very important for the realism of virtual environment . This is because shadows provide direct visual information which helps us to understand the spatial relationships of objects in the scene .

  18. 两组数据都提供了徽标、阴影效果和状态表。

    One set of data was based on using JDBC for the operation , the other on using prepared statements . Again , this has a logo , drop shadows , and a stats table .

  19. 阴影效果既在真实感图形的生成方面扮演了重要的角色,又在物体位置的判断方面发挥重要的作用,它对于人们理解三维场景的影响非常巨大。

    The effect of shadow played an important role in the generation of realistic graphics and determining the location of objects . it had very large effect for people to understand the impact of three-dimensional scene .

  20. 图7是一个线图,显示了测试的数据库中的一些信息,添加了一个徽标、阴影效果和测试的统计表。

    This graph shows the number of messages that were in the database I was running a test on , plotted over time . I added in a logo , a drop shadow effect , and a stats table of the test run .

  21. 由于分布式天线相隔足够远,阴影衰落效果也必然统计独立,包络服从RiceLognormal分布。

    Distributed antennas were located far enough , so independent shadowing effort was obtained . The envelope of the received signal was subjected to Rice-Lognormal distribution .

  22. 仿真结果不仅验证了上面的分析,而且表明该算法去云层及阴影的效果比较理想。

    The simulation results has testified above analysis and show that the algorithm effectively detects and removes clouds and their shadows .

  23. 您可以在图表中应用丰富的视觉增强效果,例如三维效果、柔和阴影和透明效果。

    Apply rich visual enhancements to your charts such as3-d effects , soft shadowing , and transparency .

  24. 如果底毛的颜色浅,这种阴影造成的效果是被毛看起来显得象在发光。

    As the undercoat is a paler color , the effect of this shading is a coat which appears to glow .

  25. 并将带有α通道的图像引入多媒体软件中,制作出如阴影等特殊效果的多媒体软件界面,介绍了α通道在多媒体软件制作中的应用。

    By making image with alpha channel in photoshop software , and importing it to multimedia programme , we can make special interfaces , such as shade .

  26. 尽可能不要使用手机闪光灯,除非真的没有其他获取光线的方法了,因为这样会产生非常强烈的阴影和反光效果,展示食物质感的效果也很差。

    Don 't use a camera phone flash with food unless there 's no other way to get enough light , because it will create harsh shadows and reflections without showing much texture .

  27. 多色调分色–当照片显示或打印时色彩过少或带有灰色阴影时产生的效果;连续色调的反义词。

    POSTERIZATION-the effect produced when a photographic image is displayed or printed with too few colors or shades of gray ; the opposite of continuous-tone .

  28. 您可以使用令人叫绝的一些效果,如三维、柔和阴影和消除锯齿效果,来帮助确定关键数据趋势并创建更引人注目的图形摘要。

    You can use stunning effects such as3-d , soft shadowing , and anti-aliasing to help identify key data trends and create more compelling graphical summaries .

  29. 要删除阴影,请在“阴影效果”组中,单击“阴影效果”,然后单击“无阴影效果”。

    To delete a shadow , in the shadow effects group , click shadow effects , and then click no shadow effect .

  30. 本文实现了光照模块中的布告板技术、镜面反射和环境映射算法,结合阴影图和阴影体算法实现了实时阴影效果,最后针对各自的缺点进行了优化和改进。

    The billboard , specular reflection and environment mapping algorithm in the light of module technology are achieved , and the real-time shadow effect is impled with the shadow map and the shadow volume algorithm , finally , the algorithms have been optimized and improved .