
dú pǐn
  • narcotics;narcotic drugs;controlled substance;hard drug;gear;intoxicant;snort;pep pill;drug commonly abused;burning rope
毒品 [dú pǐn]
  • [pep pill;narcotics;drug commonly abused] 指作为嗜好品用的鸦片、吗啡、海洛因等;比喻对思想意识有害的事物

毒品[dú pǐn]
  1. 毒品藏在他的皮箱内衬中。

    The drugs were secreted in the lining of his case .

  2. 在这次突击行动中起获了大量毒品。

    A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid .

  3. 警察在他家发现了大量毒品。

    The police found a quantity of drugs at his home .

  4. 他不愿相信他的儿子沾染毒品。

    He refused to believe his son was involved in drugs .

  5. 他们讨论了遏制走私毒品流通的办法。

    They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs .

  6. 这家旅行社不过是毒品交易的掩护场所。

    The travel company is just a front for drug trafficking .

  7. 警方搜查这栋房子时发现里面藏有一大批毒品。

    Police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house .

  8. 这个中心的目的是使年轻人解除对毒品的依赖。

    The centre aims to free young people from dependency on drugs .

  9. 她否认拥有毒品是为了提供给别人。

    She denies possessing the drug with intent to supply .

  10. 他声称这些毒品是别人给他栽的赃。

    He claims that the drugs were planted on him .

  11. 他给一个毒品集团当掩护。

    He acted as a frontman for a drugs cartel .

  12. 当地人齐心协力打击毒品贩子。

    Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers .

  13. 我们首先要考虑的是教育人民,使他们认识毒品的危险。

    Our priority is to educate people about the dangers of drugs .

  14. 他已改邪归正戒掉了毒品。

    He cleaned up his act and came off drugs .

  15. 政府正在采取措施,打击滥用毒品。

    The government is taking action to combat drug abuse .

  16. 海关人员突然袭击,缉获大量毒品。

    A swoop by customs officers netted a large quantity of drugs .

  17. 那是一桩涉及娼妓与毒品的丑事。

    It was a squalid affair involving prostitutes and drugs .

  18. 一些吸毒成瘾的人一旦没有毒品就会出现情绪的激烈波动。

    Some addicts suffer violent mood swings if deprived of the drug .

  19. 这家酒吧作为毒品贩子接头的场所已变得声名狼藉。

    The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers .

  20. 他的声明被视为暗指最近与毒品有关的多起凶杀案。

    His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings .

  21. 毒品成为对社会的一大威胁。

    Drugs pose a major threat to our society .

  22. 当时瘾君子正在楼梯井注射毒品。

    Drug users were jacking up in the stairwells .

  23. 她无法接受这种典型的毒品文化。

    She couldn 't accept the whole drug-culture bit .

  24. 已采取步骤使某些软毒品合法化。

    There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs .

  25. 黑市价值二百万元的毒品被查获。

    Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars .

  26. 毒品贩子是社会渣滓。

    Drug dealers are the scum of the earth .

  27. 那时候还没有把毒品看成严重问题。

    Drugs were not recognized as a problem then .

  28. 他们训练狗嗅出毒品。

    They train dogs to sniff out drugs .

  29. 他们否认共谋走私毒品。

    They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs .

  30. 警方作例行检查时在他们的车里查出了毒品。

    The drugs were found in their car during a routine check by police .