
yīn rán
  • Smoldering;smoulder;burn with no flame
  1. 炉内有小火在阴燃。

    A small fire is smouldering in the stove .

  2. 阴燃过程有大量的可燃气,特别是CO通常在10%左右;

    A large amount of combustible gas is produced during the smoldering of biomass . For example , CO is usually about 10 % .

  3. 通过试验得到了不同阴燃方式下CO和CO2的排放浓度,并且根据测试结果计算得到了不同空气流速下的两种气体的平均排放速率。

    Based upon experiments , AER ( average emission rate ) of the emissions of CO and CO2 in two modes of smolder are calculated .

  4. 经过对网络的训练和检验,证明基于过程特征信息与RBF网络的算法的火灾判别方法在阴燃初期就能够准确判断火灾,并能识别明火。

    After the training and simulating of network , it is proved that the fire detection based on process-characristic information and RBF network can provide an accurate early alarm without misreporting .

  5. 随着空气流速的增加,同一种材料(木屑)在阴燃过程中CO2的平均排放速率先增大后减少,而CO的平均排放速率随空气流速的变化不大。

    For the sawdust sample smolder process , the average emission rate of CO_2 first rose , then dropped with the increase of air velocity , while the average emission rate of CO had no obvious change .

  6. 采用锥形量热仪研究了金属化合物、还原性物质等添加剂对HIPS及PE-LD阴燃特性的影响,以及炭黑等填料在阴燃中的作用,并且对阴燃机理作了初步探索。

    The effect of metal compounds and carbon black on the afterglowing characteristic of HIPS and PE-LD was studied , the possible mechanism of afterglowing was explored .

  7. 通过比较表明:阻燃剂PN-1和PN-2皆能提高织物的阻燃效果,无余燃,无阴燃。

    It was proved by comparison that flame-retardant PN-1 and PN-2 could improve flame retardant effect of fabrics .

  8. 同时也模拟了燃料阴燃温度分布、燃烧过程中气体组分(O2,CO,CO2,H2O)及固体成分(燃料、焦炭和灰分)的变化过程。

    Simultaneously , the profiles of solid temperature are examined . The evolutions of gas components ( including O2 , CO , CO2 and H2O ) and solid components ( including fuel , coke and ash ) are presented along the packed bed .

  9. 将废塑料内配于Hoganas铁鳞还原的料柱内,高温下塑料裂解释放热量.秸秆阴燃过程热量释放定量分析

    Waste plastic was added into the iron scale column in Hoganas process . Heat Emission Qualification of Agro-stalks During Smoldering

  10. 根据山东省农村住宅冬季取暖要求,设计了装料尺寸为33cm×46cm×45cm的生物质阴燃取暖炉实验台。

    According to caloric requirement of heating rural house in Shandong Province in winter , a heating furnace with the size of 33 cm × 46 cm × 45 cm for biomass smoldering was designed and set up .

  11. 数值计算阴燃速度与实验速度基本吻合。

    The computational smoldering velocities basically agree with the experimental measurements .

  12. 运载火箭的自旋稳定问题考虑热解反应的阴燃渐近分析

    SPIN STABILIZATION OF SATELLITE-LAUNCHER UPSTAGE Asymptotic analysis of steady reverse smolder

  13. 阴燃的传播速率的量级在1mm/min以下。

    The spread speed of smolder is under 1mm / mm .

  14. 水平纤维质填充床阴燃过程的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of smoldering processes in a horizontal cellulose packed bed

  15. 聚亚安酯材料阴燃转为有焰燃烧的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Transition from Smoldering to Flaming of Polyurethane Foam

  16. 燃料床特性对炭粉阴燃过程影响的理论预测

    Prediction of Effects of Fuel Bed Properties on Smoldering of Char

  17. 农作物秸秆阴燃特性及应用研究

    Study on the Smoldering Characteristics and Application of the Agro - stalks

  18. 在阴燃达到热平衡稳定状态对应的最高温度&峰值温度时(>400℃),第一个条件是自动满足的。

    In steady propagation of smoldering , temperature condition is satisfied automatically .

  19. 多孔颗粒床阴燃着火实验研究与数值分析

    Study of smoldering ignition of packed beds of porous bodies

  20. 自然流动条件下竖直阴燃的传播和气体成分

    Propagation and Gas Components of Vertical Smoldering with Natural Convection

  21. 本产品对缓慢阴燃或明燃产生的可见烟雾,有较好的反应。

    This product responds well to the smoke of smoldering and burning .

  22. 碳粒填充床逆向阴燃传播渐近分析解

    Propagation of Forced Opposed Flow Smolder Waves in a Carbon Packed Bed

  23. 秸秆阴燃过程热量释放定量分析

    Heat Emission Qualification of Agro-stalks During Smoldering ENERGY 'S RELEASING

  24. 水平碳粒床中阴燃过程的数值计算

    Numerical simulation of smoldering process in horizontal carbon particles bed

  25. 空隙率变化及填充床表面下沉对阴燃传播的影响

    Influences of Porosity and Surface Subsidence of Packed Bed on Smoldering Propagation

  26. 水平碳粒填充床上方气体热辐射对阴燃影响

    Influence of gas radiation in layer over horizontal carbon particle bed on smoldering

  27. 阴燃过程及其传播机理的分析与研究

    Systematically studying on smoldering combustion and its propagation mechanism

  28. 燃池内的阴燃过程的实验分析研究

    Experimental study of smoldering process in fire pit

  29. 多孔纤维质颗粒阴燃特性及烟气粒度

    Porous Medium Smolder Property and Smoke Particles Sizing

  30. 烟草内部阴燃扩展过程中热传导起主导作用,烟草的导热系数是非常重要的参数。

    The conduction is important in the progress of smolder development from tobacco inner .