
yún yān
  • cloud and mist
云烟 [yún yān]
  • [cloud and mist] 烟气和云雾,形容虚无飘远的东西或事物

  • 云烟沸涌。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 出没于云烟。--明. 顾炎武《复庵记》

云烟[yún yān]
  1. 你是四月早天里的云烟,

    You are the cloud and mist early in April ,

  2. 过眼的云烟,迷失的泡沫。

    Bygone cloud and mist , lost foam .

  3. 烤烟品种云烟85烟叶的成熟度I.成熟度与叶片组织结构、叶色、化学成分的关系

    Studies on leaf maturity of Yunyan 85 , a variety of flue-cured tobacco I. Relationship between the maturity and the tissue , color and chemical compositions in leaves

  4. 云烟85高抗黑胫病,中抗南方根结线虫病,抗TMV能力比对照K326强。

    Yunyan 85 is high resistant to black shank , medium resistant to the root knot nematode ( M , incogita ) .

  5. 新K326与云烟87的烟碱占总生物碱的百分率随种植海拔的上升而增加(P>0.05);

    2 ) the percentage of nicotine in total alkaloid increased with the increase of altitude ( P > 0.05 );

  6. 基于PCA-MD分类法的云烟系列卷烟风格表征及品质维护

    Application of PCA-MD Modeling in Cigarette Style Characterizing and Quality Maintenance of Yunyan Brand Series

  7. 一时的绝望在过后看来都如同过往云烟。

    What feels hopeless at one moment later fades into history .

  8. 烤烟新品种云烟85在安徽烟区的主要性状表现

    Main Character of Tobacco Variety & Yunyan 85 in Anhui

  9. 世事,恍如梦里云烟。

    Things , seems like the mist in your dream .

  10. 云烟2000型烤房试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Test of Yunyan 2000 Type Flue-curing Barn

  11. 冲突将被消除。人们的紧张关系将成为过往云烟。

    conflict would be eliminated , tension become a thing of the past .

  12. 辽源市适宜种植云烟87、龙烟911;

    The most suitable varieties for Liaoyuan city are Yunyan 87 and Longyan 911 ;

  13. 玉溪烤烟的辉煌与展望&写在云烟之乡获誉50周年之际

    The brilliance and prospect of tobacco in Yuxi

  14. 回忆前除了思念,只剩夏末时云烟。

    Before the memory apart from missing , only when the late summer drain .

  15. 分子蒸馏在云烟萃取物分离中的应用流出的馏分,选择的馏分

    The Application of Molecular Distillation on the Separation of Flavor Components from Yunnan Tobacco Extract

  16. 它将来总要像幽灵一样化成云烟。

    It will evaporate like a spirit .

  17. 云烟净油的制备研究

    Study on preparation of Yunnan Tobacco Absolute

  18. 你的回忆是阳光,是云烟,是平静的池塘!

    Your memory is made of light , of smoke , of a still pond !

  19. 你是四月早天里的云烟

    You are the clouds in early spring

  20. 你是四月早天里的云烟,黄昏吹着风的软。

    You are the clouds in early spring , The dusk wind blows up and down .

  21. 种植密度、打顶时期对云烟85烟叶产量及质量的影响

    Effects of plant density and topping stage on the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco variety Yunyan 85

  22. 施肥量对云烟不同香气成分特征影响的研究

    Influence of Different Fertilizer Amounts on the Main Components of Aroma of Three Kinds of Yunnan Flue-Cured Tobacco

  23. 竞争永远不会介入;冲突将被消除。人们的紧张关系将成为过往云烟。

    Competition would never enter in . conflict would be eliminated , tension become a thing of the past .

  24. 密度与云烟87上部烟叶性状及烟碱含量的关系

    The Effects of Planting Rate on Agronomic Characters and Nicotine Content of Yunyan 87 Upper Leaf : a Flue-cured Tobacco Breed

  25. 美容美发行业有它自己的语言,顾客听到这些“美丽行话”经常如坠五里云烟不知所云。

    The beauty industry has its own language and clients often get lost in the lingo that is " beauty talk " .

  26. 爸爸点燃一支香烟,一丝白烟袅袅升起,如云烟,在空气中慢慢地散开。

    Father lit a cigarette , and a white smoke curl upwards , such as cloud , and in the air slowly away .

  27. 一缕孤云在蓝天中飘流。在淡蓝色的夜空衬托下,缕缕云烟清晰可见。

    A lone cloud floated in the blue sky . Against a pale bule evening sky , the vapour trails stood out clearly .

  28. 云烟85叶绿素含量的下降速度较快,而红花大金元烟叶的叶绿素含量的下降速度明显较慢。

    The degradation speed of chlorophyll in YUN85 leaves was faster than other varieties , and it was slower in HD leaves obviously .

  29. 我至今仍记得在那炎热的八月午夜,我光着脚丫,在云烟缭绕并散发着魔力的山上追逐萤火虫的情景。

    I remember hot August nights , running around in bare feet , chasing after fireflies in the enchanted hills of the Smokey Mountains .

  30. 与河南烤烟香味物质初步对比分析也证实,云烟的清香与河南烟的浓香都是多种香味成分按各自不同比例组成的综合感官质量的反映。

    This fact was confirmed by the comparative analysis of Yunnan flue cured tobacco and Henan flue cured tobacco that has the different characteristic flavour .