
  1. 赋金地层主要为云开群上亚群和寒武系八村群,它们具有较高的含金丰度,可作为本区金的矿源层。

    The Upper sub-group of Yunkai group and Bacun group may be the ore source beds which are characterized by higher Au abundance .

  2. 乔尕山和河台金矿床属典型韧性剪切带金矿床,分别产于志留&泥盆系及震旦系云开群地层中。

    The Qiaogashan gold deposit and the Hetai gold deposit are two typical ductile shear gold deposits , which are hosted in Silurian_Devonian strata and Sinian Yunkai Group respectively .

  3. 微古植物化石产于云开群中亚群中段上部的灰色条带状硅质岩中,共计15属30种。

    Microfossil plants occur in gray banded siliceous rocks in the upper part of the middle member of the middle subgroup of the Yunkai Group . There are a total of 15 genera and 30 species .

  4. 桂东南云开岩群斜长角闪岩的变质作用PT轨迹及其动力学意义

    PT path of metamorphism of amphibolite in Yunkai group complex in southeastern Guangxi and its dynamic significance

  5. 粤西云开岩群的建立&云开地区前泥盆纪变质地层的再认识

    Establishment of the Yunkai Group-complex in western Guangdong : A new understanding of pre-Devonian metamorphic strata in the Yunkai area