
  • 网络yunnanese
  1. 但是他实际上呢是云南人。

    He was originally from yunnan .

  2. 目的:研究中国云南白族人甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)及其单倍型与基因型。

    Objective : To investigate the single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNP ), haplotypes and genotypes of mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ) gene in the Bai ( Pai ) nationality from YunNan province , China .

  3. 云南瑞丽人免疫缺陷病毒感染者gp120基因C2-V3区的序列测定和亚型分析

    Subtype and sequence analysis of the C2-V3 region of gp120 genes among human immunodeficiency virus infected IDUs in Ruili epidemic area of Yunnan Province of China

  4. 云南正常人角膜前曲率半径的测量

    A measurement of radius of anterior curvature of the cornea

  5. 师范是研究郑和的云南第一人。

    Thus , Shi Fan was the first Yunnan scholar who studied Zheng He .

  6. 云南僰人源流的父系和母系遗传研究

    The Genetic Study on the Patrilineal and Matrilineal Origin of the Bo People in Yunnan

  7. 在中国没有其他少数民族比云南傣族人对水更有激情。

    No other ethnic group in China is more passionate about water than the Dai people in Yunnan Province .

  8. 一直以来,云南省人-地关系矛盾以及发展与环境保护之间的矛盾特别突出,原因在于自然因素和人为因素的交互影响。

    Has been in Yunnan province , the relationship between people and land , also between development and environment protection has increasingly contradicted , the reason is particularly prominent contradiction of natural factors and human factors .

  9. 方法:用多聚酶链反应技术及序列特异性引物(PCR-SSP),对36例咽部致病性链球菌培养阳性银屑病患者进行HLA-DR基因分型,并与28例云南汉族正常人HLA-DR分型结果比较。

    Methods : HLA-DR gene type was obtained using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and sequence specific primer ( SSP ) in 36 patients with psoriasis who contracted streptococcal infection in throats .

  10. 云南省老年人高血压调查

    The investigation of hypertension in the aged population in Yunnan province

  11. 云南省傣族人指纹和掌纹的研究

    Dermatoglyphics in the Dai people of Yunnan

  12. 云南省嗜人按蚊传播区疟疾防治对策研究

    Study on malaria control strategies in the malaria epidemic areas transmitted by Anopheles anthropophagus in Yunnan province

  13. 春节黄金周云南旅游片区人流量的模型分析

    A model analysis for the tourists in the touring areas of Yunnan province during the Traveling Week of Spring Festival

  14. 于是,到云南旅行的人,无不以品尝这一美味山珍为乐事。

    Hence , the persons who go to the trip of Yunnan all take taste this delicacy good food for happy event .

  15. 中华民族天人合一的文化理念和云南各民族人与自然和谐的地方性生态知识,为中华文明和云南各民族文化的长期延续作出了重要贡献。

    The Chinese people 's cultural concept of the Unity of Heaven and Man and Yunnan people 's ecological knowledge about getting along well with the nature have contributed much to the long-term continuance of the national culture .

  16. 云南民族的传统人地观与生态旅游

    The traditional idea of man-land relationship with Yunnan nationalities and ecotourism

  17. 云南人肉孢子虫人牛人间循环感染研究

    Studies on man-cattle-man infection cycle of Sarcocystis hominis in Yunnan

  18. 郑和是云南晋宁县昆阳人。

    Zheng He was a native of Kunyang , Jinning County in Yunnan .

  19. 我们去吃云南菜,二人吃掉了六个菜,基本全都吃光了。

    We dined on Yunnan cuisine and finished six dishes , barely leaving leftovers .

  20. 云南大理和元阳人畜血清新疆出血热抗体调查

    Investigation on Xinjiang Hemorrhagic Fever Antibodies in Human and Animal from Dali and Yuanyang of Yunnan Province

  21. 这些照片已经激怒了云南大理的当地人,他们表示此类照片会严重影响城市形象。

    The photos have angered locals from the city of Dali in Yunnan , as they say such photos could badly affect the city 's image .

  22. 周一早晨,当王文忠的队伍耐心地等待进入灾区的放行信号时,一群着装各异、来自云南各地的年轻人却在县政府办公室外面逛荡,试图搭个便车。

    While Mr. Wang 's crew waited patiently for the go-ahead to enter the quake zone on Monday morning , another group of un-uniformed youth from various parts of Yunnan was loitering outside the county government offices trying to hitch a ride .

  23. 云南省云县不同性别人群吸烟及被动吸烟调查死亡最多的云南省达191人;

    Smoking and passive smoking status in men and women of Yun county , Yunan province Most of the people died in Yunnan 191 ones .

  24. 在云南大理北部山区,醒目的红色砂岩中间,散布着不少天然的盐井,这些盐成就了云南山里人特殊的美味。

    In the northern part of mountain area of Dali in Yunnan province , many natural salt wells , which is an essential element of special food of mountain people , spread in the striking red sandstone .