
The REE distribution pattern of BH-2-3 differs however from the patterns of all the other samples . The major and rare earth element geochemistry of BH-2-3 suggests that it was derived from partial melting of ancient metamorphic rocks .
The most favorable locations for jade formation are contact zones between biotite monzonitic granite dykes and Mg-rich carbonate rocks .
Geological and geochemical characteristics of diwa granites and vein rocks in the Xinlu tin ore field , Guangxi province , China
The paper researches REE geochemistry characteristics of biotite granites , dikes and ore , considering granites , intermediate-basic dikes and mineralizing fluid have the consanguinity and inheritance ;
~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar dating of granites and related dikes in the Bengbu area on the southeastern margin of the North China block
The magmatic rocks that have close relation with the ore-forming process mainly consist-ed of granite of Yanshanian and related dike rocks .
Among the complex , monzodiorite and syenite originated from enriched mantle , and has the participation of crustal material ; monzonite magma originated from crust - mantle mixed source , and the granite magma derived from crustal source . 4 .
Based on the reliable chronological data of granitoid and dikes , geological features of the gold deposits and progresses in gold deposit study , the spatial , temporal and genetic relationships between granitoid intrusives and gold mineralization have been discussed .
Neoproterozoic Collisional Deformation in the Core of the Qinling Orogen and Its Age : Constrained by Zircon SHRIMP Dating of Strongly Deformed Syn-collisional Granites and Weakly Deformed Granitic Veins
A mineral consisting of iron-manganese tungstate in crystalline form ; the principal ore of tungsten ; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks .
Fault in NNE , it dominates the run of mountain ridge , direction of rivers , distribution of structure basin , and rock chain .
Tin content and petrochemical feature suggest that the granites and part of vein rocks are tin-bearing .
Main ore minerals are uraninite and coffinite . Uranium mineralization is mainly present in the biotite-concentrated site within pegmatoid granite and at the contact between pegmatoid granite dykes and biotite plagiogneiss .