
  1. OK了,就这么简单,综上所述,用花椒水洗脸,不要用很多化妆品,大家试试吧。

    OK , so simple , To sum up , wash your face with pepper water , do not use many cosmetics , we 'll try .

  2. 中医认为用花椒水泡脚比用热水泡脚促进睡眠效果更好。

    Chinese medicine than with hot pepper feet feet of water to promote better sleep .

  3. 花椒水浸液对植物种子萌发与幼苗生长的影响

    The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Zanthoxylum Piperitum on Plants ' Seed Germination and Seedling Growth

  4. 若用花椒水调面,则油饼酥,馓子黄,馒头白,口味深长。

    If the water to face with pepper , then the cake cakes , San child yellow , white bread , deep flavor .

  5. 老人家跟我说洗完什么也不要抹,怕化妆品把花椒水的作用折了,直接睡觉就行,可是我感觉那样脸好干。

    What old people told me do not wash wipe , for fear of cosmetics to the role of water off the pepper directly to sleep on the line , but I feel so good face dry .

  6. 光照可提高紫花苜蓿的种子萌发率,增大花椒叶水浸液的抑制作用强度。

    Illumination could stimulate alfalfa seed germination rate significantly , and strengthened the inhibitory effect of leaf extract on alfalfa seed germination .

  7. 此外,花椒还是一种天然的消毒剂,用花椒水泡脚还能帮助治疗脚气。

    In addition , the pepper is a natural disinfectant foot bath with pepper water can help treat athlete 's foot .