
  1. 目的探讨光敏印章盖印印文形成机理,总结检验方法。

    ObjectiveTo obtain a effective and practical method for identification of photosensitive stamp mark .

  2. 这样一枚高质量的光敏印章就可以交付使用了。

    After above steps , a high quality photosensitive seal is ready for use .

  3. 光敏印章盖印印文是司法鉴定中涉及真伪鉴别的一类新型印文。

    Photosensitive seal print is a new type of print for telling the true from the false in judicial expertise .

  4. 利用激光、光敏印章机伪造印章印文的鉴定我要用哪种印刷机印,字母印表机、光印表机、是点矩印表机?

    Research on Identification of Stamp Impressions Forged by Laser Stamps and Photosensitive Stamps Which printer should I use to print it out on , the letter quality printer , the laser printer or the dot matrix printer ?