
kè zì
  • lettering;carve characters on a seal, etc;carvecharacters on a seal
刻字 [kè zì]
  • [carve (或engrave) characters on a seal] 用小刀在木、石等上雕刻出文字

  • 刻字社

刻字[kè zì]
  1. 基于UG的快速三维刻字设计系统的研究及实现

    The Research and Development of a Rapid 3D Lettering Design System on UG

  2. 3-UPU并联机床关于3D自由曲面刻字的计算机辅助几何法

    CAD geometric variation approach for lettering on a 3D free surface by 3-UPU parallel machine tool

  3. 他们在这些材料上刻字来记录信息

    They kept records by inscribing words on those materials .

  4. 商务中心提供展览期间的复英传真、电话、e-mail、刻字等各种服务。

    The business center will provide reprography , fax , telephone , E-mail , engraving , and other various services .

  5. 以R轨迹刻字机为例介绍复杂组合凸轮轮廓位移曲线的光顺处理方法。

    This paper , taking R trajectory devices as an example , describes a method for smoothing the contour displacement curves of complex combination cams .

  6. 激光刻字机输出多灰度级TIF图象的方法

    A way of carve poly-gray level TIF image on the laser carving machine

  7. 结合C/C++技术和UG/OpenAPI工具,开发了基于UG的快速三维刻字系统。

    Based on all above mentioned studies , a rapid 3D lettering design system is developed and presented with the application of C / C + + and UG / OPEN API .

  8. 莎士比亚的弟弟Edmund于1607年埋葬于此,尽管人们不知道Edmund坟墓的位置,但还是用一块刻字石碑来纪念他。

    Shakespeares brother Edmund was buried here in1607 , and , although the position of Edmunds grave is unknown , he is commemorated by an inscribed stone .

  9. 刻字机改装宽幅面服装绘图仪方法

    The technique of refitting cutting plotter into wide format apparel plotter

  10. 计算机数控激光刻字系统

    Study on Computer Numerical Control Laser for Chinese Characters Carving System

  11. 噢,我的情况只是有刻字。

    Oh , in my case there was just lettering .

  12. 你可以帮我在这只手镯上刻字吗?

    NO03 , Can you inscribe something for me on this bracelet ?

  13. 刻字研究会会长、务理事,现为中国书法家协会顾问。

    At present he is the advisor of Chinese Calligrapher ` s Association .

  14. 仿形铣刻字在飞机电缆接头上的应用

    Application of Carving on the Copy Milling Machine in the Aeroplane Cable Connector

  15. 双色金属刻字机是小型起重机械的一种。

    Two-color metal cutting plotter is a small crane .

  16. 锥曲面上刻字的数控加工

    Lettering on Taper - Surface by CNC Machining

  17. 谢墨凛的自动绘画机器的灵感来自于他所使用过的刻字机。

    Xie Molin 's automatic drawing machine was inspired by his used carving machine .

  18. 没有任何一家酒店在钥匙上刻字。

    None of the hotels micro-etch their keys .

  19. 论刻字艺术及其发展

    On Art of Engraving Characters and Its Development

  20. 有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。

    Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood .

  21. 搞不好他在刻字时脱掉了?

    Maybe he took it off to carve ?

  22. 塑料模简易刻字方法探讨

    Discussion on Simple Engraving on Plastic Mould

  23. 高效金属表面刻字机

    High Efficient Metal Surface Carving Machine

  24. 他没事儿刻字干吗呀?

    Why did he carve it ?

  25. 实现曲面刻字的调和方法

    Harmonic Method for Lettering on Surface

  26. 广告业:专用网板印刷、展板,彩色标志、标牌,电脑刻字。

    Advertising : professional screen printing , exhibition board , color sign , signboard and computer lettering .

  27. 山顶有寺院遗迹,今尚存石桌一张,刻字为明代。

    Peak is the temple ruins of this surviving a Fruit , Lettering for the Ming Dynasty .

  28. 刻字机是目前广告装饰业中极为常见的一种输出设备。

    Carving machine is a very common output device used in ad d é coration industry at present .

  29. 我要这个了。呃,你这儿可以在手链上刻字或符号吗?

    I 'll take this one . Er , could you carve some words or symbols on it ?

  30. 并可为玻璃瓶进行蒙砂,刻字,烤花,喷涂等深加工。

    Frosting can be carried out for the glass , lettering , decorating , painting and other deep-processing .